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Forum width 90% Started by Daemon · · Read 7822 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Forum width 90%


A few days ago I installed ElkArte. All fine, except one thing.

I can't set the width more than 90%, not in ACP and not in the css file. I tried other Themes, and it's the same.

Even if I set it to 2000px, it stucks at 90%.

So, where's the problem and what can I do?

Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #1

Welcome Daemon,

if we are talking about the default theme, in the CSS a max-width is set to 90em (considering 1em ~= 1 character, means no more than 90 characters), that is in line with usual agreed number of characters per line for good readability.
If you want to have wider container you have to overrider this max-width using something like:
Code: [Select]
.wrapper {
    max-width: 100%;
and set the width to anything you want.

I suggest you to use a custom.css (if you search there are few topics that explain it) to avoid having to edit index.css or any other variant css file. ;)
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Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #2

Thanks for the welcome!

So, why is it possible to set the width to anything but is has no effect until we edit this 90em?

I try a custom_css , but I can't set it. Where do I find it?

For example: I uploaded a custom_css to themes/default/css/_besocial and I want to use it. How?

EDIT: found it, my fault. Uploaded the wrong css file.
Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 11:50:11 am by Daemon

Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #3

There is also a setting into ACP -> Configuration -> Theme Management -> Theme Settings -> click button Edit Theme Settings -> you will see Forum width: (Sets the forum width. Examples: 950px, 80%, 1240px.)
Probably you have entered some value there
sorry for my bad english

Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #4

Well, that was the first thing I've tried.
Like I said, I tried it in the ACP and within the css files.
Maybe I'm an idiot, but I can set the width to whatever I want, nothing happens.

Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #5

Sometimes those settings can be difficult to find, that's why I wrote the whole path.
The solution provided by Emanuele, didn't work for you?

What style are you using? If you are using the default style take into consideration it has 2 variants: light and BeSocial, so the custom css file should be:
  • themes/default/css/_light/custom_light.css (for light version)
  • themes/default/css/_besocial/custom_besocial.css (for BeSocial variant)
sorry for my bad english

Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #6

As I said, because when the width becomes greater than certain limits (and 90em is usually "good enough"), the readability decreases. So we set 90em as max-width as a "suggestion" to forum admins that increasing the width after this limit may make a little more difficult for the members to read the content of the forum. ;)
Of course it's possible to overcome it, it's just not in the admin panel.
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Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #7

@radu81 I think you missed the edit in the reply #2. ;)
Bugs creator.
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Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #8

I use the default THeme.

The problem with the custom css is solved.

I need help with the width.


I set it to 100% instead of 90em, but nothing happened. It's still at 90%, doesn't matter what I do or where I edit.


well, I don't know if I can say it, but the problem is solved.

I use Opera as browser, and it has a heavy cache, so I didn't saw any changes. I tried with another browser and it worked.
Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 12:19:38 pm by Daemon

Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #9

Even when you reload (with F5)?

Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #10

I think you need at least ctrl+F5 to force-refresh (or maybe ctrl+shift+R or F5 I'm not sure).
Chromium-based browsers have a rather persistent and annoying cache... :-\
Bugs creator.
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Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #11

On Chrome a "clear browser cache" will help ...  ;)

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Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #12

Quote from: emanuele – I think you need at least ctrl+F5 to force-refresh (or maybe ctrl+shift+R or F5 I'm not sure).
Chromium-based browsers have a rather persistent and annoying cache... :-\
One of those is probably something like "refresh all tabs". :P

Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #13

Just another question. I don't want to open a new thread for this.

Where are the menu icons? Do I need to activate them? If yes, where?


Re: Forum width 90%

Reply #14

They currently come on for large screen sizes ... currently >1440px wide.   Nothing magical about that size, simply the icon + text take up more room and you really don't want that header menu to wrap.

Anyway look in index.css in the media queries, its the first one.
Code: [Select]
@media screen and (max-width: 90em) {
.icon-menu {
display: none;

.icon-menu.i-account {
display: inline-block;
width: 1.25em;
height: 1.25em;
padding-bottom: 5px;
Change the 90 to a lower value such as 80 or 70 or you could just change that display: none; to say display: inline-block; and they will always be on but the menu will wrap as you narrow the browser screen.