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HTML5? Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 9189 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Are you supporting it or no?

Search should use input type="search"
Username on login should probably use the email type. Definitely on the email in account settings

type="url" for the website in profile
probably just change the birthdate to a date field (there are tons of jQuery extensions/helpers for this)

Re: HTML5?

Reply #1

Yes, the templates are html5 and we removed all (I hope) all depreciated html4 tags etc.

We have put to use some html5 specific things, but obviously we have a way to go  :D  ... thanks for the pointers below, I'm sure they will get added !

Re: HTML5?

Reply #2

One thing: when you use these new types, pay attentions to the results of the tests, SimpleTest doesn't know any "new" type, so a few weeks ago I had to "hack" the code in order to add... I think the email type, it may be necessary to do the same for other types as well. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.