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Last Post icon Started by Wizard · · Read 9161 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Last Post icon

I am sure not many of you like the current one. Since it is a last post, I made a tag icon instead. Do you approve ?

PS : I have made green and blue variants

Also, which file should I edit to use Font Awesome tag icon on github ?

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #1

That's a tag icon. Doesn't make sense to me.

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #2

A Tag is an identification to find something later amongst the crowd. Here it is used to find where you left the thread last time.

PS : Nice to know you are doing freelance. Hope you will be able to help a lot of people.

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #3

Interesting way of looking at a tag. Makes more sense but not intuitive for me.

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #4

Good explanation of why you chose the tag,  but I'm with Josh on this, seeing that icon I don't think I'd know what it does.  And yes the current one is a bit of a dud.

Not sure what you are asking about on font awesome?

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #5

I was meanwhile working on backward button. May be you would like this one.  :)

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #6

Why not skip the icon for the last post of a thread completely and use a text link "latest post" (like it is made with forum index)? Problem solved.  ;)

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #7

Quote from: Jorin – Why not skip the icon for the last post of a thread completely and use a text link "latest post" (like it is made with forum index)? Problem solved.  ;)
Because it would look horrible to me... And also for design purposes.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #8

I wouldn't be against xenforo behaviour of linking to subject to the first unread message. Though I would point to the latest message in case of no unread (except for guests that would link to the first page of the topic)... yeah, it sounds strange, but I guess it's what everybody does, so after a moment of "adjustment" it would become quite natural.
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Re: Last Post icon

Reply #9

Hmm no. If I click on a topic I want it to show the topic, not the last message. If I click onto latest post then I want it to show the unread stuff.
Imagine that in an informative topic but with loads of replies, I'd like to read (or re-read) updated informations, not to read new replies.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #10

Personally, I fully appreciate @emanuele 's suggestion. No one wants to start from old 3-4 read pages before knowing how the thread is updated.

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #11

Quote from: Flavio93Zena – Hmm no. If I click on a topic I want it to show the topic, not the last message. If I click onto latest post then I want it to show the unread stuff.
Imagine that in an informative topic but with loads of replies, I'd like to read (or re-read) updated informations, not to read new replies.
It would be quite easy to make this a theme option. Really, all you are doing is changing the link. You could even change it at the user level.

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #12

Quote from: Flavio93Zena – Hmm no. If I click on a topic I want it to show the topic, not the last message. If I click onto latest post then I want it to show the unread stuff.
Imagine that in an informative topic but with loads of replies, I'd like to read (or re-read) updated informations, not to read new replies.
Your example is of course a possibility, but the question is: how many time while you use a forum you have to target the "new" because you want to go to the first unread or the "last message" because you want to go to the last message? And how many time you want to go to the first page of a topic?
In my own personal experience, 95% of the times I want to go to the 1st unread or the latest message, while just a bunch of times I want to really go to the first page of a topic.
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Re: Last Post icon

Reply #13

That's what I get for multi-tasking... I think I misunderstood the whole thread.

If you mean that clicking on the "last post" icon on the right will bring you to the last unread then YES.
If you mean that clicking on the topic title link on the left will bring you to the last unread then NO.

That's what I mean.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: Last Post icon

Reply #14

And then again I ask you a why?
Matter of habit? Or there is a solid reason? ;)
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