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"New topics from here"-line Started by Jorin · · Read 2145 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

"New topics from here"-line

Some forum software is showing a line between two posts to show exactly from what position the new, unread posts start. You can see an example attached.

I would prefer ElkArte could do this too (other than just jump to the first unread post and show it on the top of the browser).

Re: "New topics from here"-line

Reply #1

I think you would have to use some JS to target that, at least with how the current template is.  For example you would add
Code: [Select]
$('#new').parent().prev('hr').css('display', 'block');
in theme.js, somewhere inside the first
$(function() {}
for 1.1 or inside the
$(document).ready(function() {
for 1.0

That seems a bit clumsy to me, and with some template tweaks you could just do it with css.  I don't think that #new is used in other places, but if so that JS may cause a page layout change somewhere not expected.

Re: "New topics from here"-line

Reply #2

Made an enhancement PR to 1.1, for consideration.  It adds this feature newnewline.png with just CSS.