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ElkArte 1.1.9 Started by Spuds · · Read 75367 times 0 Members and 5 Guests are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

ElkArte 1.1.9

Thinking it might be close to time to push out a 1.1.9.   Below is the current list of fixes/changes/enhancements since 1.1.8.  If there are other issues you know about, now is the time to let us know. 

Also there may be some ability to pull in a couple of 2.0 updates such as the "show more" on quotes and possibly part of Quick Quote or others.  TBH I've not looked in detail at any of that, just thinking about changes should backport with some ease.

So let me know, or not,:speak_no_evil:yer choice (and to head it off, not emoji to core, although I should update the 1.1 addon at some point)

  • [bugfix] Proposed fix for #3518 expose clean_4byte_chars for use such that upload filenames may contain 4byte (emoji) symbols (ref).
  • [bugfix] Point to the correct wiki help endpoints (ref).
  • [bugfix] a 2 second cache is not useful (ref).
  • [bugfix] potential deflection for #3520 Can't reproduce the issue, could be a mod involved. (ref).
  • [bugfix] Viewing a ban group would result in a blank screen error (ref).
  • [Enhancement] Mobile view layout adjustments (ref).
  • [bugfix] Use the sanitized value (ref).
  • [Enhancement] Allow topic approval (QM action) from message index (ref).
  • [bugfix] _'s in url were escaped and need to be set back for email links (ref).
  • [bugfix] signature was used by PBE but never set (unapproved topic/post) (ref).
  • [bugfix] unapproved topic with oldTopicDays set would result in error (ref).
  • [bugfix] prevent undefined error in custom fields (ref).
  • [bugfix] consistent keyinfo layout helps with addons (ref).
  • [Enhancement] Cursor was left inside the quote (quote button) when in wizzy mode (ref).
  • [Enhancement] scroll into view works better then older location hash (ref).
  • [Enhancement] fix #3409 .icon_anchors should have transform for RTL (ref).
  • [bugfix] ila "share" button was being getting blocked by browser filters (ref).
  • [bugfix] point to the right site for addons, not the cname (ref).
  • [bugfix] the return path should not be set for sendmail, smtp does its own.  Also the syntax was not compliant. (ref).
  • [bugfix] Annoyance, after upload the "install package" was missing, if type was set as addon, from the upload completion page. (ref).
  • [bugfix] backport from 2.0, single line code was showing vertical scroll (ref).
  • [bugfix] fix #3407 clean up css for RTL buttons (ref).
  • [bugfix] PM were not updating reply to status/icon (ref).
  • [bugfix] toggling core features on/off could overflow db log_mentions status (ref).
  • [bugfix] gravatar avatar in account menu button would break with rating enabled (ref).
  • [bugfix] signature chars left was not working as expected (ref).
  • [bugfix] fix #3536 html2md was breaking plain text Links pulled in many processing enhancements from 2.0 (ref).
  • [bugfix] Increment some version numbers missed in #3566 (ref).
  • [Security] Make sure only return is an accepted type (ref).
  • [Enhancement] Changed like_button to react_button, likes_button to reacts_button, so that AdBlockPlus doesn't remove the likes button when Social Media Blocking is enabled (ref).
  • [bugfix] email search for non moderator, in case sensitive db, errors (ref).
  • [bugfix] error filters were not honoring asc/desc. 2.0 backport (ref).
  • [bugfix] Current base dir for attachments was not updating due to wrong location the parameter 2.0 backport (ref).
  • [bugfix] Converted missed functions in install files (ref).
  • [Enhancement] Moved functions to Util as more sensible place for them (ref).
  • [bugfix] PHP 8.1 Compat version of strftime (ref).
  • [bugfix] Missed pg_version needing a connection to work (ref).
  • [bugfix] Big change of all strftime and gm_strftime to elk_strftime and elk_gmstrftime (ref).
  • [bugfix] Updated Db-PostgreSQL to be PHP 8.1 compatible (ref).

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #1

Since 2.0 beta is not yet released, to allow further test on the feature updates etc and get better feedback, I think they should be backported.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #2

I've done some more work on my local and this is what I've added thus far.  Some of this was straight forward, some a bit more difficult due to changes in 2.0 vs 1.1.

  • Quick Quote:  backport from 2.0, this is where you select text and you can quote that when using quick reply
  • Quote More:  this is a quote limiting function, so if someone quotes some longish post, its limited in the display view until you click the more button at the bottom of the quote.  Again a 2.0 backport
  • Quote Depth:  another 2.0 backport, but instead of allowing, or not, nested quotes, this allows you to limit them to a depth.
  • Webp Support ... This works in a couple of ways.  If you enable the option in the ACP , it will preferentially save images as webp where it can.  Figuring some may be concerned about browser support ( --  most have for the last several years).  So if you do not enable the option in the ACP but your installation supports them, and you allow webp extensions, then a transparent webp will be saved as a png and a non transparent one as a jpg.  This allows users to upload webp but the site will convert them to "universal" formats.
  • Webp support to avatars
  • Along with the above, the save avatars as PNG and thumbs as PNG options are gone.  The system will simply detect if the image has transparency and save as appropriate (Webp or if not enable then PNG or JPG)
  • Backported the video embed code refactoring from 2.0 and added tiktok support
  • Backported ILA code refactoring from 2.0.  There were a few edge cases that could cause problems, this should clean those up.  For example un approved attachments that were ILA'ed, plain attach tags not rendering, attachurl not working as it should, etc.
  • Backported open graph meta data and micro data to help with SEO
  • Fix several 8.1 bumps in the road
  • more:bug:stomped

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #3

Great. But don't need to push to much too, so may focus on releasing 2.0 beta.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #4

TBH I didn't expect to see all this into 1.1, leave something for the 2.0 ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #5

As we pass the 1 year anniversary of 1.1.8, I think 1.1.9 is about ready.  I'll post an update package FOR TESTING after this note.  I've broken down the changes into various top-level categories for easy viewing.  For those interested, each item has a ref link that will take you to the specific code changes.

1.1.9 Changelog

  • Below are the key changes in 1.1.9, the full change listing is (here).

    New Features

  • [New Feature] Quick Quote. This is where you select text and you can quote that when using quick reply (ref).
  • [New Feature] Quote Show More.  Quote display limiting function. (ref).
  • [New Feature] Webp support to attachments and avatars.  Includes the removal of save as PNG and dynamically set this based on alpha channel (ref).
  • [New Feature] Open graph meta data and micro data to help with SEO (ref) & (ref).

    Feature Enhancements

  • [Enhancement] Quote Depth Instead of allowing, or not, nested quotes, this allows you to limit them to a depth. (ref).
  • [Enhancement] Save avatars as PNG and thumbs as PNG options have been removed.  The system will simply detect if the image has transparency and save as appropriate (Webp or if not enable then PNG or JPG)
  • [Enhancement] Refactoring video embed code (from 2.0), also added tiktok support (ref).

    General Improvements

  • [improve] Fix admin registration form layout (ref).
  • [improve] 4byte efficiency improvement (ref).
  • [improve] Several improvements to HTML -> MD conversion function. (ref).
  • [improve] Several improvements to HTML -> BBC conversion function, used by email posting (ref).
  • [improve] Improvement to how unsubscribe token is created and shown (ref).
  • [improve] Minor CSS fixes (ref).
  • [improve] Use the alt value if its available for cid (inline image attachment) (ref).
  • [improve] Be a little less restrictive on email table structure swapping to plain text (ref).
  • [improve] Some multipart/mixed plain sections should be joined (ref).
  • [improve] Error box in login form was a mess (ref).
  • [improve] Search result enhancements, show the first matching message in a topic, preventing a very short message from gaining to much relevance (ref).
  • [improve] Improve the search highlight logic (ref).
  • [improve] New default Gravatar options (ref).
  • [improve] Improve the ILA button and CSS(ref).
  • [improve] Update markdown (ref).
  • [improve] Indicate the avatar preview with text and not just a red border (ref).
  • [improve] Allow upload avatar preview (2.0 backport) (ref).
  • [improve] Tweak smiley position in sentence to better work with font (ref).
  • [improve] Add 'att_reset' to BBC parser (used by ila) (ref).
  • [improve] Allow a way for only devs to see depreciation notices (ref).
  • [improve] Add topic approval to quick moderation action from message index (ref).
  • [improve] Cursor was left in quote when in wizzy mode (ref).
  • [improve] Scroll into view works better then older location hash (ref).

    Bugs Fixed

  • [bugfix] Collapsing legend in ACP was not (always) working (ref).
  • [bugfix] Mention pulldown (in wizzy) would collapse after positioning.  Simplify / expand regex and fix time-gate (ref).
  • [bugfix] Some items were not being logged (ref).
  • [bugfix] Various post by email updates to better support multipart/related and multipart/mixed formats. (ref).
  • [bugfix] Profile Edits selection was still shown when core feature was off (ref).
  • [bugfix] PBE replies were not run through htmlspecialchars on save (ref).
  • [bugfix] Quick Quote needs to be wrapped in CDATA for safety, thanks Steeley for the report (ref).
  • [bugfix] Account for empty center tags as happens in email due to html stripping. (ref).
  • [bugfix] cleanXml escape missed a few characters (ref).
  • [bugfix] Strip tags can return nothing, need to catch that occurrence (ref).
  • [bugfix] Email parsers could clip the closing body tag (ref).
  • [bugfix] Adjust regex for --- to hr when processing email (ref).
  • [bugfix] Reset this hidden item when ACP is updated (ref).
  • [bugfix] Check for * disposition for attachment processing (PBE) and sanitize file names (ref).
  • [bugfix] Leave attachments alone in multipart/mixed (ref).
  • [bugfix] More multipart/mixed processing of any sections (ref).
  • [bugfix] iconv_mime_decode may fail or even partially decode, check for that (ref).
  • [bugfix] Handle multiple content-type or content-transfer-encoding they are not vaiid but do occur (ref).
  • [bugfix] fix #1878 package server controller missing tab data (ref).
  • [bugfix] Account for version level tags with v at the start like v1.1.7 (ref).
  • [bugfix] Fix a host of minor issues with drag and drop attachments (ref).
  • [bugfix] memoryReturnBytes function could be passed improper data and fail (ref).
  • [bugfix] Fix tests to run as actions, add 8.1 support, pack up old travis tests (ref).
  • [bugfix] get 1.1 tests working again as action vs Travis (ref).
  • [bugfix] I guess one could use webp as smileys (ref).
  • [bugfix] Update attachment download/view gobbledygook code (ref).
  • [bugfix] Post separator markup was messy and did not render properly in all browsers (ref).
  • [bugfix] Without an isset in the controller, those may not work as expected (ref).
  • [bugfix] The CSS quick mod checkbox style was somehow dropped in 1.1 (ref).
  • [bugfix] Action_no_attach exits, no need to return (ref).
  • [bugfix] backport a bunch of ILA edge case fixes from 2.0 (ref).
  • [bugfix] Return approved status to ILA so it can act accordingly (ref).
  • [bugfix] attachurl was not replacing the temp with the public id (ref).
  • [bugfix] Provide a way to show pending approval for ILA images (ref).
  • [bugfix] Function is not used, no need to load it (ref).
  • [bugfix] Specify load lazy value for avatar images (ref).
  • [bugfix] That function can return false, so best to exit from unzip (ref).
  • [bugfix] fix #3561 label it as posts or topics to avoid confusion (ref).
  • [bugfix] fix #3521 (ref).
  • [bugfix] don't set the level before the type (ref).
  • [bugfix] Proposed fix for #3518 4-byte chars in filename.  Expose clean_4byte_chars for use in other places (ref).
  • [bugfix] Point to the correct wiki endpoints (ref).
  • [bugfix] a 2 second cache is not useful (ref).
  • [bugfix] Viewing a ban group would result in a blank screen error (ref).
  • [bugfix] A few mobile adjustments (ref).
  • [bugfix] Use the sanitized value (ref).
  • [bugfix] _ in url were escaped and need to be set back (ref).
  • [bugfix] Used by PBE but never set (unapproved topic/post) (ref).
  • [bugfix] Unapproved topic with oldTopicDays set would result in error (ref).
  • [bugfix] Prevent undefined error in custom fields (ref).
  • [bugfix] Consistent keyinfo layout helps with QQ addon (ref).
  • [bugfix] fix #3409 .icon_anchors should have transform (ref).
  • [bugfix] ILA "share" button was getting blocked by filters (ref).
  • [bugfix] Point to the right site for addons, not the cname (ref).
  • [bugfix] The return path should not be set for sendmail, smtp does its own.  Also the syntax was not compliant. (ref).
  • [bugfix] Annoyance, after upload the install package was missing, for addons, from the upload completion page. (ref).
  • [bugfix] Single line code BBC was showing vertical scroll (ref).
  • [bugfix] fix #3407 clean up CSS for RTL buttons (ref).
  • [bugfix] PM's were not updating reply status (ref).
  • [bugfix] Toggling core features on/off could overflow log_mentions status (ref).
  • [bugfix] Gravatar avatar in account button would break with rating enabled (ref).
  • [bugfix] Signature chars remaining was not working as expected (ref).
  • [bugfix] fix #3536 html2md was breaking plain text Links plus more (ref).
  • [bugfix] Make sure only return is an accepted type (ref).
  • [bugfix] Changed like_button to react_button, likes_button to reacts_button, so that AdBlockPlus doesn't remove the likes button when Social Media Blocking is enabled (ref).
  • [bugfix] Email search for non moderator, in case sensitive DB, errors (ref).
  • [bugfix] Error filters were not honoring asc/desc flag. (ref).
  • [bugfix] That is a post value, not get (ref).
  • [bugfix] Converted missed functions in install files (ref).
  • [bugfix] Moved functions to Util as more sensible place for them, imo (ref).
  • [bugfix] Missed pg_version needing a connection to work (ref).
  • [bugfix] Big change of all strftime and gm_strftime to elk_strftime and elk_gmstrftime (ref).

    PHP 8.1 updates

  • [8.1] Captcha was not working with PHP 8.1 Updated the ttf fonts to add ones with minor grunge built (ref).
  • [8.1] Prevent calling of functions that may be disabled by the host (ref).
  • [8.1] Can't use null in PHP 8.1 (ref).
  • [8.1] That may be null, and 8.1 will abend (ref).
  • [8.1] Do not send a float value to chr() (ref).
  • [8.1] 8.1 error due to curl option never existing (ref).
  • [8.1] seems recent GD (8.1) does no like the float where an int is needed. (ref).
  • [8.1] Depreciation notice in 8.1 (ref).
  • [8.1] More 8.1 tweaks (ref).
  • [8.1] PHP 8.1 will not like adding strings (ref).
  • [8.1] un used paramerter, will throw depreciation in 8.1 (ref).
  • [8.1] fix some 8.1 install errors (ref).
  • [8.1] 8.1 does not like nulls in these functions (ref).
  • [8.1] some 8.1 fixes for type hint on interfaces (ref).
  • [8.1] PHP 8.1 Compat version of strftime (ref).
  • [8.1] Updated Db-PostgreSQL to be PHP 8.1 compatible (ref).
Last Edit: October 08, 2022, 04:40:45 pm by Spuds


Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #6

Here is the PRELIMINAY patch package for upgrading 1.1.8 to 1.1.9.

As always if you do this, please do so on a backup or have a backup!!!

Note, this should run fine on 8.1, however 1.1.8 does not.  So you can upgrade then change to 8.1, but if you un-install then set your PHP version back to 8.0 or 7.4 or whatever you were running prior to 1.1.9  If you do not do this a great frown may appear on your face.

I'd appreciate the testing of this, not only the patch itself but of the new features/enchantments in 1.1.9, now is the time to find any bugs and report them so they can be fixed prior to release. (see the previous post for the list)

ETA; Removed prelim 1.1.9 patch attachment
Last Edit: November 21, 2022, 08:02:15 pm by Spuds

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #7

No time to test, still in the middle of moving, sorry. Good luck though! :)

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #9

Quote from: Spuds – I'd appreciate the testing of this, not only the patch itself but of the new features/enchantments in 1.1.9, now is the time to find any bugs and report them so they can be fixed prior to release. (see the previous post for the list)

Installed without issue on a 1.1.8 forum. Everything seems to still work as it should.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #10

Quote from: tino – Installed without issue on a 1.1.8 forum
Thank You.

I did notice one thing on an old test site.  If you are using SimplePortal < 1.0.1 (and since I did not formally release that, you probably are) then you MUST edit your Portal.subs.php file and change the following.

Code: (find) [Select]
'query' => empty($allowed) ? '0=1' : 'FIND_IN_SET(%s, \'' . implode(',', $allowed) . '\')',
Code: (replace) [Select]
'query' => empty($allowed) ? '0=1' : 'FIND_IN_SET(%s, "' . implode(',', $allowed) . '")',

If you don't then you will get a hacking attempt error from the db controller, and probably a 500 error on your site.

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #12

Awesome!!  The beta patch is installed on two sites. 

Here's a bugz report (maybe). Attached image preview does not display on either site. Both use Attached Image Resize addon. This occurs using php 7.4 and 8.1. The attached images display properly once posted. 

Re: ElkArte 1.1.9

Reply #13

1.1.9 installed and runs under php 8.1.  :thumbsup:

Is it possible to use the variant "Darktanion" (dev) under 1.1.9?