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Quoting text (WYSIWYG) Started by Chainy · · Read 10050 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Quoting text (WYSIWYG)


I don't know if the forum here is the latest version of Elkarte, but I've noticed a couple of glitches...

When I have WYSIWYG switched on, the Quote feature doesn't seem to work too well. The quote box shows in the body of the editor, but I can't type outside the quote box! I try clicking below the quote, but this doesn't help. The only solution is to turn off WYSIWYG...

Another thing that I noticed just now when writing this message. The body was blank and I accidentally hit a key. Then I delete this letter, thus returning to a blank body. Immediately an error message pops up telling me that the body is blank! I suppose this is meant to come up when I hit Send.

By the way, the WYSIWYG quote box looks really nice. I always wondered why this wasn't shown in a graphical way in other editors. If someone's using WYSIWYG, then they certainly don't want to see the quote tags, especially when they contain a whole load of extra attributes etc...

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #1

I should also mention that I noticed this when using Firefox 24 on Ubuntu.

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #2

Apparently the editor trims the quote tags and so there is no place where put the cursor...
The version at adds an empty line after the quote.

I think the quote is one of the tags we replace with our own may need some trick...

Oh, and while I'm at it, I noticed another one:  adding smiley in WYSIWYG mode there is no space between them, so switching on/off/on the smiley are not converted back to pictures.
This could be due to the fact we are using the "compat" mode (or whatever is called :P) to keep a space between tags.

ETA: thanks Chainy for the report! :D
It may affect 2.1 too...
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Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #3

Quote from: emanuele – Oh, and while I'm at it, I noticed another one:  adding smiley in WYSIWYG mode there is no space between them, so switching on/off/on the smiley are not converted back to pictures.

The smileys convert ok in Firefox 24 (linux). The only difference I can see is that when WYSIWYG is turned ON, there is just one space between the smileys. When WYSIWYG is switched OFF, then there are two spaces between the smileys...

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #4

And if you try:
add two consecutive smiley (clicking twice in a row)
switch off the WYSIWYG from the button inside the editor
switch it on again.
Does it work?
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Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #5

Quote from: emanuele – And if you try:
add two consecutive smiley (clicking twice in a row)
switch off the WYSIWYG from the button inside the editor
switch it on again.
Does it work?

Seems you like the "wink" smiley, whereas I go for the "smile" smiley!

The "wink" smiley does indeed create the problem that you describe, but the "smile" smiley (first one in the row) doesn't.

By the way, another little problem. I think the wrong icon for the mouse is being used for when I hover over the bar to resize the size of the text area (when writing a post). I believe the icon should look more like a little line with two arrow heads at either end. The one currently in use is the pointing hand symbol, which is usually for selecting things (hovering over a link etc).

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #6

Oh dear, I'm going crazy here. Putting smileys everywhere, trying to make sense of what sequence of events causes the problem! It seems almost random at the moment. Sometimes I notice the problem with the lack of space between smileys, sometimes I don't... And it's not a clear cut issue affecting only the wink, as I first thought.

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #7

Try this:

1. WYSIWYG mode ON.
2. Blank body, put two identical smileys on first line, then press Return,
3. On the next line place two more smileys there. (both the same, but different to ones on the first line)
4. Try switching between WYSIWYG on/off.... 

- the space problem seems to only affect the smileys on the second line. It doesn't seem to make a difference what smileys are used on the first or second line....

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #8

I don't have time ATM to refresh the site, but it needs to be updated, I'll try that this PM

In the meantime I updated the scripts (editor) and its css to see if the latest stuff fixes some or all of these problems.

There have been several editor updates so lets hope we got some of these fixed without introducing some others!

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #9

Look better, both bugs work at the moment here.

There is just the fact that the area changes size switching from normal to least here.
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Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #10

I have a commit that fixes that, its been merged but I have to update the controllers/view ... that size jump was caused by the use of the width/height in the editor construct, its enough to add it to the textbox and once the editor is attached let it figure it out.  Plus we were passing 'px' to the editor and it did not want that, it was assumed.

So let me try to update the site to the latest and see what we see :D

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #11

Thanks for updating the site, Spuds. The quote and smileys seem to be working ok now.

Just a couple of things:

1. WYSIWYG causes a very noticeable lag when typing, at least in my browser (Firefox 24, linux). I type and there's often a delay before any text actually appears on the screen. In fact, this meant that I had to turn WYSIWYG off in order to type this message comfortably.

2.  Wrong icon for the mouse pointer when hovering over the bar to resize the text box. 

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #12

QuoteThe quote and smileys seem to be working ok now.
Quote from: Chainy – 1. WYSIWYG causes a very noticeable lag when typing, at least in my browser (Firefox 24, linux). I type and there's often a delay before any text actually appears on the screen. In fact, this meant that I had to turn WYSIWYG off in order to type this message comfortably.
Humm no idea on that one, its mostly client side javascript so unless the browser / computer was really bogged down I can't see a reason for that.  I have not noticed any lag.   Which browser and version are you using?

Quote2.  Wrong icon for the mouse pointer when hovering over the bar to resize the text box.
Fixed in a pending PR, so you will see that in the next site upgrade ... probably this weekend :)

Re: Quoting text (WYSIWYG)

Reply #13

Quote from: Spuds –
Quote from: Chainy – 1. WYSIWYG causes a very noticeable lag when typing, at least in my browser (Firefox 24, linux). I type and there's often a delay before any text actually appears on the screen. In fact, this meant that I had to turn WYSIWYG off in order to type this message comfortably.
Humm no idea on that one, its mostly client side javascript so unless the browser / computer was really bogged down I can't see a reason for that.  I have not noticed any lag.   Which browser and version are you using?

As I mentioned, I'm using Firefox 24 on Linux (Linux Mint, Cinnamon edition).

Yes, it must be a javascript problem. Every time I try typing a few letters in WYSIWYG mode, my CPU jumps to about 40-50% ! I've got nothing else running on the computer that should cause problems - just Transmission running in the background (5% CPU).

I tried closing Firefox and opening with just the one tab, but I get the same problem...

Quote from: Spuds –
Quote2.  Wrong icon for the mouse pointer when hovering over the bar to resize the text box.
Fixed in a pending PR, so you will see that in the next site upgrade ... probably this weekend :)

Great. Thanks!

SPLIT: SCEditor CPU hungry?

Reply #14

One or more of the messages of this topic have been moved to Bug Reports.

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