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Home login register Started by webpirate · · Read 4072 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Home login register

Just installed this forum software and it's all good except for 1 thing. The home login and register button icons don't show up when you load the index. When you click on any forum then the images show up. Any ideas?

Website is

Re: Home login register

Reply #1

Those are font-awesome icons, visiting your site I see this in the dev panel.

QuoteAccess to Font at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.

Re: Home login register

Reply #2

I kinda got the font after clicking one of the button. Just curious, in your forum default setting, is it using https or just http as its url?

Re: Home login register

Reply #3

the site uses https... Thanks for the heads up I will check into it..

It only does it on the main page and only in mobile view...

Re: Home login register

Reply #4

If using https be sure to update your settings to point to httpS ...

Start by replacing all the theme URL and primary board URL settings to point to https instead of http or you will get mixed content warnings.  When done check the SSL cookies box. 

Re: Home login register

Reply #5

ok I did all that and still same result.... very odd...

Re: Home login register

Reply #6

ok I got it sorted out by adding http to https redirects in .htaccess

Re: Home login register

Reply #7

Right now it looks good to me, also just did a quick look on my Android phone and it looks good as well  ... I'm not getting any errors and the page has all the icons. 

Quote from: webpirate – ok I got it sorted out by adding http to https redirects in .htaccess

Ah cool ... good job!

Re: Home login register

Reply #8

 emanuele feels some schema-less may be handy here and there
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Home login register

Reply #9

You can also use the latest repair tools from the githib because I think we already cover converting all url to https in it, if needed.