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[1.0.9] Unwatch Started by Jorin · · Read 20965 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #15

Quote from: Ruth – That's not the "test board", Seeley. :wink:

Well, it appears testing this subject in this topic was OK 6 years ago. Guess I'll have to look around and see what other forum protocol changes have occurred since then that I've missed as a relatively new member. I certainly don't want to offend anyone.. :man_shrugging:
But, "Watch" or "Unwatch" appears to have no effect on emails (at least in v. 2.0. And I didn't see any change in v.1.1.6 either - I get emails of reply posts regardless).
Nothing in New Replies with "Unwatch" clicked to show "Watch", It's now back to the default (displaying "Unwatch" again). If anyone replies here again I'll see if that changes.

(I admit don't know if other profile settings might be affecting it, if any).  

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #16

QuoteWell, it appears testing this subject in this topic was OK 6 years ago

No, Sir. Testing was in the other topic years ago. This one here is an old topic of an exterminated bug and I already "abused" it now for talking about possible wrong texts on the german buttons, because @Jorin thought those days, there might be another bug.

Quote If anyone replies here again I'll see if that changes.

I don't remember exactly now, what I did for testing watch/unwatch - but i think, I used "mark this as unread" a lot.

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #17

I don't know how anyone else wants to interpret this ... but it works the way I think it should..

screenshot1.jpg    screenshot2.jpg
Last Edit: April 12, 2023, 02:45:14 am by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #18 does work perfect.

Point is, which button you see now here - watch or unwatch - and if this topic here has gone in your profile in the list "unwatched topics" or if it is still there. But please don't tell me. :cheesy:  I am fed up with this feature. I won't use it on my forum.

I will change the texts on the german buttons, if this should be done....but thats all.

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #19

Quote from: Ruth – does work perfect.

Point is, which button you see now here - watch or unwatch - and if this topic here has gone in your profile in the list "unwatched topics" or if it is still there. But please don't tell me. :cheesy:  I am fed up with this feature. I won't use it on my forum.

Maybe I will change the texts on the german buttons, if this should be done....but thats all.

I'm not sure what "topic list" is referred to in my profile - I have a Board "watch" list, but no watched or unwatched topic list that I have found in my profile? I'd be glad to check it if I knew what to check...

As the screenshots show, when I see "Unwatch" I get a listing of new replies. (IOW, I'm "watching the topic")
When I see "Watch" I do not get a listing of new replies. (IOW, I'm "not watching the topic") As a status indication, it's backwards

Watch or Unwatch appears to me as a "command" function. 
When I am "watching the topic" (and I get replies listed in New Replies), I see "Unwatch".  click it to "unwatch" the topic
When I am not watching the topic  (not getting replies listed in New Replies), I see "Watch", and if I want to see replies in that topic, I click on "Watch" and voilla!, now I am watching the topic again,

It's like an "EMERGENCY STOP" button.  If I am going, and experience an emergency and need to stop, I push the EMERGENCY STOP button and command a stop (hopefully).
When I am stopped, I see the Stop button has changed to "GO". If the emergency is over and I see everything is OK, I now push the "GO" button, and off we go!  And the button changes back to "Stop" for if and when I need to stop again..
And I do get an email notification of replies regardless of the status of the Watch/Unwatch button.

And Yea -  I've been running my forum for 2+ years now, and so far I'm pretty sure nobody has pushed that button. My userbase is all old geezers like me and most of 'em consider it a feat if they manage to get in and read posts and reply, never mind pushing buttons "just to see if they do what they think they do (which it probably doesn't).  Like me, if they even notice it, they probably wonder why, if when they push "unwatch", nothing seems to change as far as displayed topics and posts, and reading and replying to posts. So they "click Watch" to go back to "Unwatch" assume it's broke or something, file it away as an "I don't care anyway" item, and forget about it.

I can see where listings in "New Replies" would be handy in a really big, active forum, when trying to find replies to your earlier posts might be difficult nested in a long string of topic replies.  Since most of my membership uses email, they get all the posts (including the replies) anyway, so the watch/unwatch button is basically useless to them..

But at least I know what it does now.. thanks! And it's not really a bug, "status" ("current state") is a misinterpretation of the command function ("transition to the next state") that the button describes in English.
Last Edit: April 12, 2023, 05:41:52 am by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #20

QuoteI'm not sure what "profile list" is referred to - I have a Board "watch" list, but no watched or unwatched topic list that I have found in my profile? I'd be glad to check it if I knew what to check...

This list in the profiles i meant.

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #21

Thank you.. and yes, if I see "Watch" in the topic (meaning I am not watching it), I see that topic listed in the Unwatched topics of my profile. Go back to "watching (by clicking on "Watch") and it's no longer shown in "Unwatched topics".

And what raised one of my eyebrows is that there are 30 "Unwatched topics" listed in my profile here, and to my knowledge I've never used that function (and several topics I definitely would not want to "unwatch" anyway)

In my Forum, I have none.

And I can not see anyone else's "Unwatched topic" listing, so that question/concern/debate from long ago has been resolved as well.. 

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #22

Things might be different here, on your forum and on mines, just because we tested in different versions. "2.0 dev" and 1.1.6 forums you tried - I have a broken 1.0.10, an upgraded broken 1.0.10 to 1.1.9 and a new installed 1.1.9 forum. All of my forums might have some issues, which have nothing to do directly with this feature, but can cause irritations.

Here I have only one unwatched topic in my profile, the one I tried with (but here should be lots of unwatched topics). On the new installed 1.1.9 all topics on forum had been unwatched and had been on the list in my profile first, when I started testing there a few days ago.

This feature "unwatched topics" I had enabled on my 1.0.10 forum at least for 9 years now, me thinks - and I have lots of topics on my list of unwatched topics there. I never had notifications enabled there (or here), but a part of this feature - hiding new replies of unwatched topics in the list of "New Replies" - should also work without "notifications by email". At least I think so.

For testing this feature I had enabled "notifications by email" on test forum....and all did work perfect there, but the text on my buttons had been "wrong", like I told.

I made my last try now and enabled this feature "unwatched topics" again on test forum, notifications are still enabled there.

First all is okay, the watch and unwatch button work proper as a "command": All unwatched topics are in my list of unwatched topics and I will see the button "watch" in this topics in the index. If i click "watch" then, this topic will disapear from the list of my unwatched topics. And also the opposite of it works.


If I use the button "mark all messages as read" or the "mark as unread" buttons then a few times, the unwatched topics on forum show me the button "unwatch" and the watched topics show me the button "watch".  My list of unwatched topics does not change by this. And it should.

The buttons work like "status buttons" then. This was and is confusing me.

But it is fine...noone will need this unwatch/watch buttons on my forums. The notify buttons will do it for my members.

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #23

Quote from: Steeley –
And what raised one of my eyebrows is that there are 30 "Unwatched topics" listed in my profile here, and to my knowledge I've never used that function (and several topics I definitely would not want to "unwatch" anyway)

Hmmm, but I have used the Mark Read / Unread a few times here using v.2.0 ... maybe you're on to something here, Ruth..  (have you just proved "quantum entanglement" is real?) :dizzy_face:

Quote from: Burke Knight – Sorry to reply to an old topic here, but let me see if I get this Unwatch thing straight.
It's basically like an ignore topic feature, right?
Where if I set to Unwatch this topic here, I wont see replies in unread or recent?

Quote from: emanuele – If you see them, then there is a bug.

If it is a bug, it's a damn sneaky one..

[pssst...  @Spuds , @emanuele wanna check out Ruth's earlier post above (or below, depending on your sort)? I'm not going anywhere near the rabbit hole she may have found. :frowning: ]
Last Edit: April 12, 2023, 06:16:00 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #24

I am absolutly not sure, if there is something like a bug with this feature or if I made mistakes while testing. (Lack of sleep or maybe just too old now for understanding and controlling proper). Maybe there is just something else wrong on my forums, which is effecting this feature.

This feature does really confuse me. :zany_face:  I think, those buttons did never work really proper on our forum. But I am also not sure with this, because it was not used by me or someone else, at least none of our members asked me ever, how this works. (lucky me) :wink:

If you still get notifications by email about new replies in your unwatched topics, there might be a mistake - or this feature works  different now as it is told in the english help text.

notify me.jpg Have you enabled "Notify me of replies" here in your posts? I had it while testing.

You said, you have a list of boards in your profile for notifications by email. Do you also have a list of topics?  There are serveral settings possible, in which case and how often the system will send you emails about what is happening in a topic. Maybe this was, why you still got emails of an unwatched topic? System is told two different things at the same time and needs to decide then?

I don't know....

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #25

If what you posted about the Mark Read/Unread flipping how the Watch/Unwatch works, that would explain why I had a bunch of topics being "Unwatched" when I never used that feature, but I have used the "Mark Read/Unread" function.  So I think it's not just your forum version, but possibly also exists in v.2.0.

Let's let Spuds or emanuale or someone take a look at the code for an "entanglement" between the functions, and we can follow their guidance in the hunt..  If they need more clues, then we can bang on the "black box" some more and see what shakes out. I've got a couple busy days going right now so my troubleshooting support is limited by time for the moment, not just my own technical shortcomings. :embarrassed:

[If we aren't sure how it is intended to work for sure, it's hard to know when it isn't working right, right? :thinking: ]

EDIT: Update

Quote from: Ruth – You said, you have a list of boards in your profile for notifications by email. Do you also have a list of topics?  There are serveral settings possible, in which case and how often the system will send you emails about what is happening in a topic. Maybe this was, why you still got emails of an unwatched topic? System is told two different things at the same time and needs to decide then?

In my profile, my board email notifications are all enabled.  Frequency is "immediate" and I have no topics selected as specifically monitoring, so there shouldn't be any conflicting settings in that regard.

You may be confused what you were doing with all the back and forth, but age has nothing to do with it, trust me (I keep telling myself that :rolling_eyes: ), but I know (as certain as I can be about anything I remember doing or not doing in the past), I never clicked a watch / unwatch function, so what you described seems to explain why I had 30-some topics listed as being "unwatched" anyway.  

Off for now... my break is over and I have to go back on my head..
Last Edit: April 13, 2023, 08:48:55 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //