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Which file should contain the string "insert"? Started by forumovod · · Read 23307 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Which file should contain the string "insert"?

Reply #15

it should be:
Code: [Select]
$txt['insert'] = 'Insérer';
and not
Code: [Select]
$txt['Insert'] = 'Insérer';
sorry for my bad english

Re: Which file should contain the string "insert"?

Reply #16

Since that is a 1.1.7 change, its likely that Post.english.txt has not been updated on Transifex ... so $txt['insert'] = 'Insert'; may not exist in that file for it to be translated.

Re: Which file should contain the string "insert"?

Reply #17


Your eyes are very good @radu81 : the translation works like you say, but will not be here when an update will be made because @Spuds is right (this line is not on transifex in the Post.english.php file and can't be translate).

Re: Which file should contain the string "insert"?

Reply #18

Glad you solved, I don't know how Transifex works, probably it will be available when 1.1.7 patch will be officially released

=== edit ===
I missed this post
QuoteSince that is a 1.1.7 change, its likely that Post.english.txt has not been updated on Transifex ... so $txt['insert'] = 'Insert'; may not exist in that file for it to be translated.
Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 04:29:42 am by radu81
sorry for my bad english

Re: Which file should contain the string "insert"?

Reply #19

Thank you @radu81,
As you have seen there is no relation with the 1.1.7 patch : just the line that lakes in the Post.english.php on transifex, if i understand correctly...

Re: Which file should contain the string "insert"?

Reply #20

Quote from: radu81 – Glad you solved, I don't know how Transifex works, probably it will be available when 1.1.7 patch will be officially released
it seems it's not in the new files on tranifex (i did'nt found it in the post file).

Re: Which file should contain the string "insert"?

Reply #21

I just downloaded the french translation from and inside Post.french.php at line 183 I see:
Code: [Select]
$txt['insert'] = 'Insérer';
Check if you have that on your forum, otherwise update the translation.

I also checked on Transifex and I see there is that translation

Re: Which file should contain the string "insert"?

Reply #22

You are right @radu81 : sorry for that.
I made some translations on new channels to update the new translations with the patch1.1.7 yesterday and i made my search on "insert" in channels with no translations, and nothing appears... because there is nothing to translate : it seems i made this translation one month ago but i don't remember it and i didn't update my 2 elkarte to test, that is very strange.
It works fine.