Language folder
As for all Themes becomes the language loaded from the default theme. Would it not make sense to move the language folder in the root?
Re: Language folder
Reply #1 –
This question gets asked fairly often. The reason why it is not in a language directory is because if you are creating a revolutionary theme, it might have different text.
I think it's about time to have 2 directories though. One will be the default text and the other will be the theme text. Load the default, then the theme, if it exists. A simple setting in the theme would enable it to check for additional $txt "has_own_txt".
This isn't so much about space as just making themes a little easier to understand.
Re: Language folder
Reply #2 –
If Theme own language strings needed this might be regulated with a separate language file. A second additional language folder must not be true.
Re: Language folder
Reply #3 –
I'm pretty sure there is already another topic around (or maybe few messages in a topic) about... the topic. LOL
Yup, I'd move that directory somewhere else and find a way to deal with themes.
Re: Language folder
Reply #5 –
If you change $languagedir it has to still be in a directory with 'languages' or it won't work.
Re: Language folder
Reply #9 –
Sorry for hi-jacking it but if you remove /languages and move it to /foobar it won't work.