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Mention an username that contain space characater Started by radu81 · · Read 2053 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Mention an username that contain space characater

I'm sure that this was discussed before but I am not finding the topic.

I am not able to mention members that wahe "space" character into username. I attach a screenshot, I try to mention the member above but as you can see I am not able to do it

Re: Mention an username that contain space characater

Reply #1

It works at my board. Here's a screenshot.

Edit: Maybe you have too much Maurizios in your list so that the one with the space can't be shown? Is there a limit how much entries of the list are shown?

Re: Mention an username that contain space characater

Reply #2

Imo we should have the possibility to mention members even after pressing the space key.
sorry for my bad english