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Composer Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 6786 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Composer

Reply #15

I mean: if it is in composer.json, anyone can just run composer install and get whatever is needed (in a development environment, the "user-environment" is another thing, I'm specifying this before people get scared by having to run commands, don't worry, in case we ever end up using composer it will be just for development, not for the normal usage), that's probably why I added the vendor directory to the gitignore, because I have some stuff there and didn't want it to end up in the repo (what's the meaning of have pimple in the repo when we can get the most up to date whenever we want? O:-)
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Re: Composer

Reply #16

Well, you don't always want the most up-to-date package. It might be outside of your minimum versions and won't be tested. So, you use Composer for development but we should ship two packages - with the downloaded packages and without.

If I didn't include it in the repo, when you built the package it wouldn't be in there.

Re: Composer

Reply #17

I thought I added Composer and its lock file for the phpunit tests with Travis.  Then again that's probably just my CRS syndrome kicking in.  Never mind me, I'm just off in the weeds anyway :P

Re: Composer

Reply #18

It's there. It works. There is nothing wrong with Composer. It's that when I use it and try to commit Pimple, it doesn't commit because the vendors directory is ignored.

Re: Composer

Reply #19

Ok, I'm likely missing something. O:-)

composer.json has inside a command along the lines: "install this version of Pimple".
And when you run composer install it grabs that version of Pimple.

Now, my doubt is: why should we have the whole Pimple at a certain version in the source tree?
Isn't it enough a string in composer.json like I did for OpenImporter?
but there is no "vendor" directory:
when there is to package I run composer install, the vendor is generated and I zip everything together (actually I could even remove composer.json and composer.lock).
Why should I put Symfony/Yaml, Doctrine/DBAL and Symfony/Class-Loader under version controls? O_o
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