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Editor Button Layout Started by Spuds · · Read 10711 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Editor Button Layout

Looking at some other editors and thinking about our button layout, not the style, but the order and grouping of the buttons.  I know this is rather unimportant but what the heck  :)

Bold Italic Under Strike
Pre Left Center Right
Face Size Color
Flash Image Link Email Ftp
Glow Shade Move
Sup Sub Tt
Table Code Quote
Bullet List Hr
Remove Swap

As a thought:
Bold Italic Under Strike Sup Sub <- basic style items
Left Center Right Pre TT <- layout items
Face Size Color Remove <- advanced style
Bullet List Hr <- lists and stuff hr somewhere
Table <- maybe add tr and td
Code Quote <- boxes
Image Link Email Ftp Flash <- clicks
Shade Glow Move <- crap
Swap <- toggle

I added in my rough reasoning for the groups, and within the groups I tried to put the least used things at the end, so that if they are off the primary group things do not move (much).  Other thoughts?

Re: Editor Button Layout

Reply #1

Your common sense makes no sense! ;)

Sounds good to me.  I like the add td/tr idea. Don't want too many buttons though.
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: Editor Button Layout

Reply #3

Done ... lets see if we like it any more or less or cant even tell it changed !

Oh left the crap in for the moment :P

Re: Editor Button Layout

Reply #4

Editor related:


Code: [Select]

doesn't work as expected because of:
Code: [Select]
strong { 
color: #444444;
font-weight: 700;
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Editor Button Layout

Reply #5

Good catch ....

Not sure how important that color definition on strong is,  the comment says having bold slightly lighter balances its apparent darkness.  Anyway for the time being I added a bbc_strong class with a color: inherit; ... that should fix it.

Re: Editor Button Layout

Reply #6

Hard-refresh and...YAY!
Thanks! ;D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Editor Button Layout

Reply #7

Nice. But can we hide most of them (including emoticons/smileys)? I mean just display the most important one or it is necessary to immediately display all the buttons and smileys? In gmail, there is one button for emoticons/smileys. All the emoticons/smileys will only be displayed for selection only if the button is clicked. Is that way better or the current one where we show all the images in the Editor when it's opened? May be as an options for user or admin? Just a thought of not displaying all the images unless the user needs it.