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[ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat Started by wintstar · · Read 56825 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #30

@wintstar just as a quick hack, I put an inline style in the text area so it respond to its parent like so:

Code: [Select]
<textarea id="ajaxChatInputField" style="width: 100%;"

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #31

The chat is created on the original contained Theme. In other Theme used, the design adjustments themselves must be made.

Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #32

Hi @wintstar do you know where can I adjust  the shoutbox? currently its default to 10 shouts only and I want to increase it.

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #33

Look in the Ajax Chat Tips, and this:

QuoteThe AJAX Chat contains two additional configuration files:
root*/chat/lib/config.php - This file contains the server-side (PHP) settings
root*/chat/js/config.js - This file contains the client-side (JavaScript) settings
Do you mean?
Code: (php) [Select]
// Max number of messages to display on each request:
$config['requestMessagesLimit'] = 10;

Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #34

@wintstar yes thats it. thanks! btw, im curious to know if the messages are deleted after say 10 (which is the default) or is it saved somewhere? where I can archive it on a daily basis just for archive purposes.

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #35

To my knowledge, there is no archiving system for Blueimp Ajax Chat. You can issue to the support for Blueimp Ajax Chat, click here.
Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #36

@wintstar thanks but do you know where in the folder it saves the messages?

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #37

@wintstar is it possible to set that members can view the shoutbox even if they are inside a forum?  currently if members are in the homepage only they can see the shoutbox, but if they are inside a forum, its not visible.

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #38

Judging by the database structure (and the fact there is a database) I'd guess messages are saved.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #39

Messages are stored in the database "*_chat_messages".

View the shoutbox
Look under Permissions:

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #40

@wintstar yes, I already set the permission thats why only logged in members can view the chat in the homepage. but even logged in members if they are inside one of the forum, the chat is not visible. there is not settings that I can set in the permission that will allow logged in members to view the chat inside a forum. only in the homepage.

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #41

You can read it clearly in the description
Quote from: click hereShoutbox

    Enable shoutbox above at the Board Categories*
    Enable shoutbox below at Board Categories*

Board Categories is the main forum page (Homepage). Within the forums, the shoutbox is not visible. This function does not exist.   And the chat can be seen only on the chat page. Provided that the corresponding thereto permissions are set correctly.

Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #42

Update is in progress. The progress can follow her here => My Projects
Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #43

Addon updated to version 1.0.1
Changelog 1.0.1

Bug fixed
  • "datetime", appears in MySQL databases versions 5.5.32-5.5.42
  • Activation Button the chat page is missing from the configuration of the Ajax Chat
  • Shoutbox text input field runs in mobile view from the "div"

Download, see first post.
Regards Stephan

Re: [ADDON] ElkArte Ajax Chat

Reply #44

Update to new version 1.0.6 ElkArte not necessary.
Regards Stephan