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[ADDON] Social Login and Register Started by Spuds · · Read 84860 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #30

I believe so. They changed their api to require it.

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #31

I tried to use it on elkarte v1.16, but it returned an HTTP 500 error. : -  [  Github, Google, Yahoo's api redirect url is correct, I don't know why. :(
At first I thought it was a permission issue. Later I changed the permissions of all files to 777, but I still couldn't solve the problem. :(

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #32

Hi, Thanks for the great work you guys doing!
I have just installed a test forum version: 1.1.6
And struggle to configure facebook. Looks like all set on the forum and Facebook but after pressing Facebook buttun I'm getting error:
QuoteURL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not white-listed in the app's client OAuth settings. Make sure that the client and web OAuth logins are on and add all your app domains as valid OAuth redirect URIs.
That is no surprise, because leads to nowhere, there isn't even folder named hybridauth in forum's root directory.
Am I doing something wrong or plugin just incompatible?


Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #33

I'm taking a look now to see if anything has changed .... Unfortunately I have no longer have a facebook account to test with.

There should be a hybridauth directory under your sources/ext path, if not something did not install correctly.

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #34

hybridauth was updated to v2.15, the version in the mod was v2.13.   There really was not much of note in the update, but it is supposed to use a newer version of FB graph api ( 2.12 from 2.8 ) so that may make a difference.

I've updated the addon and pushed a 1.0.4 release to the addon site, so give that a whirl.

Also check this:

Quote from: moe – I tried to use it on elkarte v1.16, but it returned an HTTP 500 error. : -  [  Github, Google, Yahoo's api redirect url is correct, I don't know why. :(
At first I thought it was a permission issue. Later I changed the permissions of all files to 777, but I still couldn't solve the problem. :(
Check your server error log, a 500 is an error from the webserver so it should have logged the reason.  We need that to do much.

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #35

Quote from: Spuds – I'm taking a look now to see if anything has changed .... Unfortunately I have no longer have a facebook account to test with.

There should be a hybridauth directory under your sources/ext path, if not something did not install correctly.

I have configured google also. Regarding redirect uri google explained better, so I authorized instead of
It alowed me to go alittle further and get error message from the forum "An Error Has Occurred" "Class 'Error_Context' not found"
In the same manner, adjusted Facebook to uri and getting the same "An Error Has Occurred" "Class 'Error_Context' not found"
p.s. the latest version of Hybridauth is 3.0.0

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #36

Well that one sounds like my bug, drat !!!

Yeah I knew they finally released HBA 3.0 stable, I just did not want to do that migration yet.  2.x really does everything needed.

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #37

Please replace the Extauth.controller.php in your sources/controller directory with the one attached here.  This should fix the error context error, but we have to see if there is yet another error after that before I release this again  :-[
Last Edit: May 04, 2021, 01:58:32 pm by Spuds

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #38

Quote from: Spuds – Please replace the Extauth.controller.php in your sources/controller directory with the one attached here.  This should fix the error context error, but we have to see if there is yet another error after that before I release this again  :-[
No still not good, the same error. Tested on PC and mobile.

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #39

Quote from: Spuds – Please replace the Extauth.controller.php in your sources/controller directory with the one attached here.  This should fix the error context error, but we have to see if there is yet another error after that before I release this again  :-[
I got the same error as john11smith --------Class 'ErrorContext' not found.
file: /httpdocs/sources/controllers/Extauth.controller.php
Line 428:
Quote$reg_errors = ErrorContext::context('register', 0);

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #40

OK one more time.  

I believe the error handling to be fixed

I also found that the help text / icon in the settings page was not displaying so that was also fixed.  The helptext is where it tells you the proper endpoint to set for the various providers.

Lastly one optional item that a provider may supply (the information you get back from the various social networks varies and I tried to keep the requested set of permissions to an absolute minimum) is stored in a different location in 1.1, so that should also be fixed.

Attached is a new version of the addon, uninstall your old version and try this one instead.  Report back the new errors!
Last Edit: May 04, 2021, 01:59:12 pm by Spuds

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #41

Yes works great and help icon is helpful. Many thanks!
Just noticed another glitch.  Doesn't allow to create a password says user must enter old one, but there is no old password because the user logged uning Google button. Without password, admin canel is not accessible :) I have created a password from another admin account, but weird :D
Last Edit: September 04, 2019, 02:57:58 pm by john11smith

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #42

Cool !

Well that is a bit of a glitch, I had not considered that ... I'll have to take a look at the code and see if there is a suitable hook or other way I can let the system know that the user may not have a "site" password when they only used the social login function.   Kind of interesting issue really.

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #43


Can someone please help me with this? To be upfront, I'm a complete noob, so some of what's fuzzy to me may be very clear to everyone else. Please indulge me.

I'm trying to connect Elkarte to Facebook so members who have Facebook don't have to login separately to Elkarte once logged into Facebook. I've downloaded and uploaded the package, followed the instructions to set it up on Facebook (created app, added oAuth URL e.t.c..) but when I go to my forum page, I don't see an option to login using Facebook, or anything like that. What am I doing wrong?  :(

Re: [ADDON] Social Login and Register

Reply #44

Update 1.0.6

o latest v2 hybridauth (I know they are on v3 know but that will be a breaking change)
o fixed for github and several updates for other Providers
o code cleanup, should ow show failure messages when failing to connect to provider
o remove depreciated create function and other php7.4 support

As always its YOU who need to setup the "apps" on the various social media sites you want to support, and the HybridAuth site is going to be your best source of help for that. 

See link in first post or ....