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If anyone can answer... Started by ahrasis · · Read 7670 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

If anyone can answer...

I am trying to find what causes the following which happens immediately upon uninstall of my updated subforum addon package:
QuoteThe page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request.
After a while, the page return to normal. The above doesn't affect any other addon though, so I guess it is not a server fault.

I also couldn't detect any relevant error in apache error log file or system log file.

Could it be because I edited mysql database files via this addon? Any suggestion where should I look further into?

Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #1

Just a guess, could it be an out of memory error?  Are you running php fpm?  You may try raising the php memory limit and restarting php.

The other thought is a timeout issue.  If the first doesn't work try raising the execution timeout.

Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #2

You mean just when you click on "unisntall"?
1.0 or 1.1?
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Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #3

1.0, just after clicking uninstall and while going back to action=admin;area=packages.
Quote from: badmonkey – Just a guess, could it be an out of memory error?  Are you running php fpm?  You may try raising the php memory limit and restarting php.

The other thought is a timeout issue.  If the first doesn't work try raising the execution timeout.
I was running fast cgi. It could be, I will check all that out.

Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #4

Quote from: ahrasis – 1.0, just after clicking uninstall and while going back to action=admin;area=packages.
Sorry for being pedantic, but... heh, I want to be sure. :P ;)
So you get it two times?
Repeating the steps:
1) enter admin > packages
2) click "uninstall package" next to the package
3) click "uninstall" button in the page that summarize the uninstall steps,
4) confirmation page the addon has been unisntalled
5) redirect to the packages list.
From your sentence I understand it happens just after 3 and 5.
Is that correct?
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Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #5

After step 4 uninstall confirmation button is clicked and going to step 5.

Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #6

I already checked the execution time (1000) and memory limit (2048M), thus, I think they are not the causes.

My first thought was: while this addon restores database files to its original condition, deleted its own database files, and removes the hooks, the connection is somewhat / somewhere cut off, causing the above said error temporarily.

Unfortunately, testing the same on WAMP, the addon uninstalls just fine, no said error in continuous multiple installs and uninstalls.

Thus, I am coming back to my first thought or possibly, some server fault, on which the latter shows no clue, so far.

Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #7

Wow!  No, those shouldn't be problematic.  Lol!

Would you like an install/uninstall test cycle on another server?

Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #9

Installation worked perfectly.  MultiTenancy Configuration displays in the Forum tab in the ACP. 


At this point I seem to be experiencing a bug: the package doesn't show in the ACP Package Manager. 


Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #10

Eh... that's strange?! The package is shown fine in my forum package browser. Is there any error logs?

Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #11

Indeed there are. 

Type of error: General
2: Parameter 1 to Tenancy::BufferUrl() expected to be a reference, value given

It's probably worth mentioning the server is running php7.   ;)

Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #12


I can't remember any Tenancy class in elk... maybe in some addon?
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Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #13

Woops.  Sorry.  I would assume that's a class in ahrasis' addon.  :)

Re: If anyone can answer...

Reply #14

 emanuele hides
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