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Guest can "Like" posts Started by Burke Knight · · Read 6934 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Guest can "Like" posts

I'd like the ability on one of my sites, to allow guests to like posts.
Unfortunately, I don't see permissions for guests to be able to turn it on.

Re: Guest can "Like" posts

Reply #1

That function is blocked to guests, so you will have to make a couple of file edits.

First you need to add the ability to assign the likes post permission to guests.  In sources/subs/Permissions.class.php towards the top find protected $illegal_guest_permissions = array( in that array find 'like_posts', and comment it out as //'like_posts',

You will then be able to assign that permission to guests

Second in sources\controllers\Likes.controller.php in the private function prepare_like() towards the top of that function find is_not_guest(); and again comment that out as //is_not_guest();

That should be all that is needed ... side effects:man_shrugging: