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"censored words" for the contact form? Started by Mrs. Chaos · · Read 5353 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

"censored words" for the contact form?


I activated the contact form in my forum. Is it possible to enter somewhere in the admin center that certain words may not be used in it? Every few days I receive messages containing "indecent" words and links to pornographic sites. That's annoying.

I know that there's the addon "censored words" but I think this works just with normal posts and not with the contact form.
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0

Re: "censored words" for the contact form?

Reply #1

I don't think there is anyplace to do that ... I would think it could be done, that is to have that form display through the censored word filter, have to take a look and see, but it would be a 1.1.7 item.

Re: "censored words" for the contact form?

Reply #2

Alright thanks!
ElkArte version: 1.1.8 / Theme: BeSocial / PHP 8.0

Re: "censored words" for the contact form?

Reply #3

Interested too, I also started to receive some spam messages through the contact form. I only use ReCaptha as protection and that worked perfectly until a couple of weeks ago.
sorry for my bad english

Re: "censored words" for the contact form?

Reply #4

Choose a good security question. I run a large forum (1M+ posts, 43k page views per day) with nearly zero spam posts or through the contact form.  ;)

Re: "censored words" for the contact form?

Reply #5

Considering contact forms are basically emails, it seems rather... odd to have them censored.
I would agree on not loading images (if they are) because this doesn't sounds right. But censoring... shrugs
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: "censored words" for the contact form?

Reply #6

Quote from: emanuele – Considering contact forms are basically emails, it seems rather... odd to have them censored.
 indeed, I think I was confused when I wrote the other post, it hasn't much sense for me to censor messages, while it has more sense to block messages based on some words which is another story and is not possible for now.

 I had this before and worked fine, I removed the Q&A once I started to use the ReCaptcha addon. I think I will go back to Q&A ;)
sorry for my bad english