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Bounties Started by Joshua Dickerson · · Read 5545 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


There are quite a few new people around and they are asking for features or changes. None of us really have a lot of time (I do but I generally don't want to write features that don't help me) or money. I suggest adding Elkarte to a bounty program like BountySource and telling people that if they really want something fixed or added, they can put up some money to make it happen faster. It's free and open source, but adding some money to it incentivizes developers.

Re: Bounties

Reply #1

I agree. Myself, I work for free. But we can use it for betterment of ElkArte.

Re: Bounties

Reply #2

or ElkArte join Patreon. :P I think it an interesting service to support anything monetarily in a stable way.
192.MY.ID: Forum ISP Indonesia.

Re: Bounties

Reply #3

If you guys create a written tutorial (better if video) or maybe a book, then I will definitely buy it !
QuoteGive a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

                                                                                                                                       - Maimonides

P.S., many folks in Patreon are doing video tutorials and making money. So why not take this opportunity. Make a video tutorials about ElkArte and use Patreon to make you money. I will support definitely you ;)
Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 11:32:23 pm by anagnam

Re: Bounties

Reply #4

There is something like charter member in certain forums. You get improved support for a small fee. Say $5. If we get more members to it, it will be great for economic status of ElkArte. I can pay $5 if you start one. :)

Re: Bounties

Reply #5

@emanuele always said he doesn't want to earn money with ElkArte or the support, and I'm really pleased with this attitude. I think if the ElkArte team will establish this kind of two-class society a lot of the spirit of open source and a helpful community will be gone.  :-\

Re: Bounties

Reply #6

Will you and me judge and support people based on their membership status ? Certainly no. No matter what we say, money is required for many things related to ElkArte. Hosting being the first of it. Personally, I would not deny any monetary support to ElkArte.

Re: Bounties

Reply #7

You said:

Quote from: Wizard – You get improved support for a small fee.

Isn't that different support based on the fact that you paid the fee or not?

I would spend to thank the devs for their work, yes. But not for better support - their support can't be better at the moment!  ;)

Re: Bounties

Reply #8

Your choice. Stay free then.

Re: Bounties

Reply #9

Since there is no fee system right now I don't need to make a choice.  :D

Re: Bounties

Reply #10

@Wizard you create in the last days many posts and answers. In my opinion, some of them are unnecessary if you were looking for more on the net with the help of Aunt Google. If you want to create a forum system addons and theme, you should be more to read in this forum system. Accordingly, your requests in "Bounties" must be created. And for that you haved to donate a few bucks. Have you ever thought of yourself?

Open Sources is to remain free. I also demand nothing for the development of my addons and theme. And not responsible for support to.

Regards Stephan

Re: Bounties

Reply #12

Yes, i have it.

I have many years the development of phpBB pursued and involved to it.  I like this blue color scheme.

And also have styles for phpBB created.  It's just ridiculous what they're trying to say here.


Re: Bounties

Reply #13

The project is free and open source and like that shall remain.
That said, if anyone is willing to pay to have a feature built, and then that feature is shared back with the community in the form of a pull request, I don't see anything bad (let alone ridiculous).
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.