Re: What to do about ... CAPTCHA
Reply #3 –
Q and A is where it's at!
Re: What to do about ... CAPTCHA
Reply #9 –
That double .. is strange. Not sure where that is coming from !
Re: What to do about ... CAPTCHA
Reply #12 –
Back in the TCPIP/telenet days of BSD and VAX-VMS SYS36, etc.., when unix shipped with u/p guest/guest, and every access port wide open (and nobody cared) I was working with some lads out of XDS and Lockheed's Skunkworks, and I was running a Z80 processor on a CP/M box with a Bell acoustic coupler, "email" was logging in on someone's computer, navigating to their personal message folder and dropping a text file in it, then navigating to yours and see if anything was there for you to copy to your floppy disk (no hard drive)..
For amusement we had contests to see how many college and defense computers we could daisy-chain together in a big loop and eventually log back in to the first computer system we accessed, log and count the hops and the miles (and continents) and see who could top it. And then back out of the loop in reverse order without disconnecting and severing the chain in the middle by mistake (disqualification). All command line.. Those were the days...
They could have left it all like that, it was all fine and fun and games, but then someone started selling game software (worm, space invader and something else in a 3 game package for $20 (heresy.. you write and share software, only dweebs BUY IT!!), and the lads thought automating text file transfers in scheduled relays all over the State of California would be cool (and low and behold, what we constructed in CP/m got ported to DOS which had just come out, eventually to become RBBS).., and it's been all going down hill ever since.. I blame Gates, honestly.
Ray Tomlinson wasn't part of our happy little group, but he was fairly well known to several of the guys at XDS. I mostly just beta-tested their stuff, once I proved I've little talent for programming - I'm a hardware guy - but I'm really adept at finding bugs (or them finding me) and breaking other-people's software. Ray left the planet 6 years ago, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn he wasn't fond of what his "invention" turned into either. You want to move binary files, that's what FTP is for, and HTML is for web documents, not email
Oh, and everyone needs to stay off my lawn, too. :: curmudgeon ::