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Less space between attachments Started by Ruth · · Read 9556 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #15

Since the last update the attachments in our forum are not proper centered.
I am not sure if and how  I can change this?  O:-) Adding a break somewhere in Display.template.php? Where?

My testforum is still runnig with ElkArte 1.0.9 and the attachments are still centered there.

I am adding a few screenshots. 

In forum everything is still looking proper, if the picture has 780 Pixel width and if the name of an attachment is long enough to get into a new line under the picture. (1. screenshot)

If the name is very short or the picture has less width, the names of the attachments are getting to the right side and therefore those attachments are no longer centered.  (2. and 3. screenshot)            

It should look again like it is still in my testforum (4. screenshot)

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #16

If my test site doesn't have anything weird, I think with 1.0.10 the attachments area was changed to look a bit like the one on this site.
It may be that some of your custom css is having some... conflict with it.
Maybe @Spuds has an idea, otherwise I guess I'd need an account and a link to a topic that shows the issue (send it to me via PM, of course).
Bugs creator.
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Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #17

Quote from: emanuele – It may be that some of your custom css is having some... conflict with it.

It seems to be so... yes, Emanuele ;)

I do not need the attachments centered, it was a wish of my members.
But I still would like to have less space between the attachments as it is here on

Maybe it would be better to change everything back in our forum as it is in default... or better to wait until ElkArte 1.1. is finished?
I think I have to do a lot of changing in my custom.css anyway with Elkarte 1.1. ::)

But it would be kind if you have a look at the attachments in our forum.
 I will create a test-topic with several attachments and send you a pm about the account.

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #18

As far as I can see, the vertical distance between attachments is more or less the same as here, there is about 10px of difference.
Anyway we can do something.

To center the images, I'd use display block on two classes and to change the distance I'd tweak the line height of the name line, something like this:
Code: [Select]
.postarea .attachments .attachment {
    display: block;

.postarea .attachments .attachment_name {
    display: block;
    line-height: 1.3em;
in your custom_light.css
Bugs creator.
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Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #19

Thank you, Emanuele.

I have tried it, but nothing has changed.


Sorry, Emanuele...

It seems to me, that my FTP Client is not working at all at the moment
I uploaded changed files a few times today, but it  does not show me any changing in the files.
I have to contact my hoster.
Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 11:07:46 am by Ruth

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #20

Before contacting your hoster check the file permissions. You can do it with right click on your file in filezila or also on file manager included into Cpanel (if you have it). It should be 755 for folders and 644 for files.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #21

That one, Radu? I had a look at this today, but I never touched anything there....

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #22

No, these are the settings of ElkArte, don't use them. You use a FTP programm, right? Use this, connect to the server, click on a file you changed with the right mouse button and choose "CHMOD". Then you can see the file permissions.

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #23

Yes, I have tried this also yesterday, Jorin  but there is no "CHMOD" to see for me, with a right mouseclic , just that usual stuff O:-) (see screenshot)

Everything seems to work as usual, if I upload files via FTP. But it does not show me the date, when the file was uploaded/changed yesterday - just the date when I downloaded that file yesterday.

Last shown changes there from the files are from July 2016

Download is working, but not the upload. I tried it with a custom_light.css and two other files yesterday.

Wenn ich einen rechten Mausklick auf eine Datei mache, bekomme ich nur das übliche angezeigt, nichts mit Berechtigungen zu der jeweiligen Datei, Jorin. Im Juli 2016 habe ich wohl zum letzten Mal Dateien per FTP überspielt. Diese Änderungen werden mir auch angezeigt. Von gestern nur die Uhrzeit, wann ich eine Datei heruntergeladen habe.

Ich komme auch nicht weiter nach oben , oberhalb vom "root", was sonst immer ging. Nur noch bis zum root/htdocs, also dorthin, wo die einzelnen Ordner und Dateien liegen. Schaut für mich so aus, als ob da die Berechtigungen verändert worden wären.
Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 03:34:22 am by Ruth


Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #25

Ah! I see! I will try it again...

I uploaded one file again to see that green icon. But I cannot see any "CHMOD"  O:-)

Edit: It shows me the Date from today now, when I uploaded that file again. (two hours earlier than it really was) Must be the time from the upload, because I downloaded nothing today.

Last Edit: July 17, 2017, 03:07:00 am by Ruth

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #26

QuoteSelect directories or files and click on Chmod on the Browse Screen. The next screen show the current permissions...

Try this please. I don't use Net2FTP so I don't understand what the problem is right now.  O:-)

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #27

I have tried this also, Jorin. But there is no "Chmod on the Browse Screen" or "next screen" to see for me. Just the green icon.

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #28

That's not so good.  ;)

Re: Less space between attachments

Reply #29

@Ruth are you restricted to use only your mobile phone to work on the site?
Otherwise, installing a client like is usually way easier than use a browser to connect to ftp, but anyone has its own preferences. ;)

Quote from: Ruth – Edit: It shows me the Date from today now, when I uploaded that file again. (two hours earlier than it really was) Must be the time from the upload, because I downloaded nothing today.
Ask your host, it's easier. ;)
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