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[1.0 RC2] Error "password too short" is not showing min password length Started by Adrek · · Read 2275 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[1.0 RC2] Error "password too short" is not showing min password length

It's error on registration page and on profile page, when user will enter too short password.

Works fine when forum uses English language, but with Polish or German language it looks like:
QuoteTwoje hasło musi mieć przynajmniej %1$s znaków.

or (tested on @Jorin  site ::))
QuoteDein Passwort ist zu kurz. Es muss mind. %1$s Zeichen lang sein.

Re: [1.0 RC2] Error "password too short" is not showing min password length

Reply #1

I checked the english file:

Code: [Select]
$txt['profile_error_password_short'] = 'Your password must be at least %1$s characters long.';

My german file has this:

Code: [Select]
$txt['profile_error_password_short'] = 'Dein Passwort ist zu kurz. Es muss mind. %1$s Zeichen lang sein.';

Both have:

Code: [Select]

Re: [1.0 RC2] Error "password too short" is not showing min password length

Reply #2

I was looking into that one, and to me it looks like a mixture of a bug in loadLanguage and another abuse of re-assignation of strings variables.

The profile_error_password_short' is sprintf'ed and re-assigned to itself in Auth.subs:
Code: [Select]
		$txt['profile_error_password_short'] = sprintf($txt['profile_error_password_short'], empty($modSettings['password_strength']) ? 4 : 8);
This works more or less fine, usually.

Now, let's have a little look at loadLanguage:
Code: [Select]
function loadLanguage($template_name, $lang = '', $fatal = true, $force_reload = false)
static $already_loaded = array();
// Do we want the English version of language file as fallback?
if (empty($modSettings['disable_language_fallback']) && $lang != 'english')
loadLanguage($template_name, 'english', false);

if (!$force_reload && isset($already_loaded[$template_name]) && $already_loaded[$template_name] == $lang)
return $lang;
With English this works fine. No problems.
What happens though when another language is added to the mix?
Let's see, calling:
Code: [Select]
$template_name is set to 'Errors' (obviously).
The first thing loadLanguage does is load the fallback language: so it calls itself specifying 'english' as language.
In that fallback run, $already_loaded[$template_name] is set to 'english'.
Then we are back to the main call and the check goes like this:
Code: [Select]
$force_reload = false => true
isset($already_loaded[$template_name]) => true
$already_loaded[$template_name] == $lang => false ($lang is 'german', while $already_loaded[$template_name] is 'english')
good, execution proceed.

Now, if we call again loadLanguage('Errors') a second time, what does it happen?
$template_name is set to 'Errors' (obviously).
The first thing loadLanguage does is load the fallback language: so it calls itself specifying 'english' as language.
In the fallback run, the check goes like this:
Code: [Select]
$force_reload = false => true
isset($already_loaded[$template_name]) => true
$already_loaded[$template_name] == $lang => false ($lang is 'english', while $already_loaded[$template_name] is 'german')
so the language file is reloaded.
Then, back again to the main call, the same as before applies:
Code: [Select]
$force_reload = false => true
isset($already_loaded[$template_name]) => true
$already_loaded[$template_name] == $lang => false ($lang is 'german', while $already_loaded[$template_name] is 'english')
and the language file is re-loaded *again*.

The fix could be to change in Load.php:
Code: (find) [Select]
	if (!$force_reload && isset($already_loaded[$template_name]) && $already_loaded[$template_name] == $lang)
Code: (replace with) [Select]
	if (!$force_reload && isset($already_loaded[$template_name]) && in_array($lang, $already_loaded[$template_name]))

Code: (find) [Select]
	// Remember what we have loaded, and in which language.
$already_loaded[$template_name] = $lang;
Code: (replace with) [Select]
	// Remember what we have loaded, and in which language.
if (!isset($already_loaded[$template_name]))
$already_loaded[$template_name] = array();
$already_loaded[$template_name][] = $lang;
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: [1.0 RC2] Error "password too short" is not showing min password length

Reply #3

Actually there is an easier way: invert to check for the fallback and the already loaded language:
Code: [Select]

if (!$force_reload && isset($already_loaded[$template_name]) && $already_loaded[$template_name] == $lang)
return $lang;

// Do we want the English version of language file as fallback?
if (empty($modSettings['disable_language_fallback']) && $lang != 'english')
loadLanguage($template_name, 'english', false);

@Spuds any preference on the one to apply?
The first fix is kind of more conservative, but I can't see how this one could break anything.
Last Edit: September 02, 2014, 08:53:05 am by emanuele
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [1.0 RC2] Error "password too short" is not showing min password length

Reply #5

Great detective work !!

Looking at everything, I'd pick option 2 as well, it looks to fix the issue and prevent unnecessary load language calls as well (plus seems very safe for 1.0  O:-) ). 

 @Jorin and @phantom could you please apply this update and check that it fixes the issue and that it does not cause any side effects, its a simple move of two lines in the code (of course finding the simple fix was another story I'm sure! )

Re: [1.0 RC2] Error "password too short" is not showing min password length

Reply #6

Yes, fix from reply #3 solved this issue :)