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Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list') Started by andy · · Read 22345 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #15

There was the password problem - first time failed but 2nd time logged in. I can see a few people complaining about that  :P

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #16

There was a discussion about that not long ago .... 

The system requires you to enter your password twice so that it can properly convert the "old" password hash to the hashing requirements of the new system.   

Should have a better message displayed when you enter the second one, like please enter your password again to finish the migration to the new system, or some such thing.  Only happens the first time a user logs on after a conversion.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #17

Quote from: TE – depending on the version of the importer you're using somewhere  there should be a file named smf2_importer.xml..

please edit that file an remove
Code: [Select]
, pm_receive_from AS receive_from
Probably there's  a linebreak between the , and the  "pm_receive_from AS receive_from".

I have exactly the same error as this, importing from exactly the same version of SMF.

I have edited the .xml for the importer, as suggested, and I get exactly the same error after.  I am completely stuck.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #18

I just want to make sure you are using the version of open importer from here:

There are a few versions floating around on the site, but the maintained version is from the above link.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #19

It does not look like that's the version i was using.  Bear with me, I'll try that.

......right.  Tried that version, from that direct link.  Had exactly the same error as the original post. Edited the .xml file to take out the line break in the line of code mentioned earlier in the thread. Exactly the same error.

So to confirm: I am seeing exactly this error, with the version in your link.
Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 01:14:30 pm by tetricky

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #20

Right....I've not been able to spend much time on this earlier, but I've gone back and had a look at this importer, and installed the forums in easier to access places. I've put the smf board (source) in the domain root directory, and I've put elkarte in a sub.domain ('forum.domainname'). I have put the two boards in the same database (same database user, same password) but with different prefix (smf_ and elkarte_ respectively). I resolved an issue that I had with the php version not working with my smf board version (2.0.11) by setting the domainname hosting to use php 5.6. The two board locations verify, and the importer runs. I now get the following output:


Importing settings... ✔
Importing members...

This query:

INSERT IGNORE INTO database_name.elkarte_members
(id_member, member_name, date_registered, posts, id_group, lngfile, last_login, real_name, unread_messages, new_pm, buddy_list, pm_ignore_list, pm_prefs, mod_prefs, message_labels, passwd, email_address, personal_text, gender, birthdate, website_url, website_title, location, hide_email, show_online, time_format, signature, time_offset, avatar, pm_email_notify, usertitle, notify_announcements, notify_regularity, notify_send_body, notify_types, member_ip, member_ip2, secret_question, secret_answer, id_theme, is_activated, validation_code, id_msg_last_visit, additional_groups, smiley_set, id_post_group, total_time_logged_in, password_salt, ignore_boards, warning, passwd_flood, receive_from)

 ****list of members and associated fields****

Caused the error:
Unknown column 'personal_text' in 'field list'

Line: 117
File: local_path/OpenImporter-openimporter-199d92d/importer/OpenImporter/Database.php

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #21

I've upgraded smf to 2.0.14, and I've also made sure that both the domain, and sub-domain are running php 7.0.19.

Same error as in my previous post.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #22

Question: did you install Elk 1.0 or 1.1?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #23

The attempt documented most recently above was elk 1.1 (RC 1).  The previous failed attempt was 1.0 - but I didn't try that with the current configuration of the board locations and php update.

I'm happy to try anything on the elk side - but it is more problematic on the smf side, as that is my current active board.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #24

1.1 surely will fail, it has several differences with 1.0 and the importer will not be able to handle them (we need to take care of that "soon").

I'll give a try as soon as possible to the importer, I left it in a terrible state... :-[
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #25

Obviously it's tempting to think the my problem is the most important problem....but it's clearly not.  I'll put 1.0 into my forum sub-domain, and run the importer again, and report any issues.

I do appreciate your help.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #26

Well, it is important because it used to work and now there is a problem.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #27

Okay. I have now been able to successfully (bar a few catches) been able to import.

php 7.0.19; MySQL 5.1.73; Centos 6; Plesk Onyx 17.5.3 Update #7

Both boards on the same domain, but the target (elkarte) in a sub-domain.  Both databases in the same database, but with different prefixes.

Success - except it didn't import karma (flagged an error, and all came across as zero values)...and there was an issue with group icons that I needed to manually change (theme related). Not all avatars work, but that might have been true on the smf installation that I imported from (didn't fully test before the import, because it was primarily only for import purposes).

Essentially, it looks good enough at this point.  I, and my users, will test.

At this point, it seems with elkarte 1.0, and smf 2.0.14, I have broad success.

Thank you for your help.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #28

You are welcome!
Karma not imported I'd call it a bug.
Avatars, could you check if they are by chance attachments? And if the attachments are fine?
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Import from SMF 2.011 failed (Unknown column 'pm_receive_from' in 'field list')

Reply #29

Quote from: emanuele – You are welcome!
Karma not imported I'd call it a bug.
Avatars, could you check if they are by chance attachments? And if the attachments are fine?

It's carried across the avatars that were correct on the source (SMF) board, so I suspect it's my error, not that of the importer. I'm going to just tell my users to set new avatars...I don't have time to track through what is (to me) a minor error almost certainly of my own making.

The karma is an issue, but a minor one.  I'm not too tense about it.