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Login with username or email address Started by radu81 · · Read 8348 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Login with username or email address

What do you think about the idea to let people login with email or username instead of only username? Most people forget their username and they often have problems to login. I see this problem also at work on a joomla website, not only on forums.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #1

I think email is just too long in this era of "the flash" as public do prefer something that is easy and fast, yet secured too. Alternative could vary from own pic, phone number and username. I think api to get id and data automatically from a smartphone for easy yet safe registration and login should be considered as well. Just a thought.

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #2

I agree is too long, but users don't forget their emails :D
It's the same aproach used on many other forums: XF, IPS, woltlab, discourse, etc... Here a screenshot form Discourse:
sorry for my bad english

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #3

If they use one email only for all, may be. ;D

By the way, ElkArte should support something like that (multiple ways to login / register) by default.

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #4

The problem is with the "new generations" or "facebook & social generation" of people. I usually use the same nick on every forum/website. Yesterday we had a meeting with some members from my forum, a couple of them complained that they cannot login, and both were inserting a wrong username. I know there is a "forgot username?" option but don'ask me why they don't use it.
sorry for my bad english

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #5

You can already do this. Actually, users can be highly creative with their own login with little restriction. I use it as a form of two factor ripoff authentication already. What am I talking about?

Forum users and guests see a user's forum Name from their account. They don't see the user's actual forum Username (except admins, GM, others with permissions). The Username could be setup to be the person's email, name, dog's name, whatever. Could be anything. No certain pattern is required either, that is, admins don't have to know what it is. 

Remember, users login using the Username, not their Name. That's important to tell users if you use this trick. How is it two factor? Even if you have the password, it's useless unless you have the  other info as well.   ;)

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #6

not exactly what I am asking ;)
Also checked nodeBB, they use only email to login
sorry for my bad english

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #7

Some of my users use a special email address only for my board. It's not allowed to do so, but they do. I think they know their username, but they forgot the email address.

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #8

Quote from: radu81 – not exactly what I am asking ;)
Also checked nodeBB, they use only email to login
 You can make email the required Username.  ;)

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #9

Login should already allow to use both username and email without distinction.
If it doesn't I'd consider it a bug.
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Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #10

:-[ :-[ Yes, it does login with email or username. I didn't checked first because the login asks for "username" and not for "username or email address". I'd suggest to update that string and translations.

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #11

I think the change you need is just in the language files?

Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #12

I guess it would make sense.
I'm not sure why it was not made explicit, but I don't see any harm in having it there.
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Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #13

It also make sense to me. ;)
There are already a couple of language files with the string "Username or email address" but I don't know which is the file that calls those strings
sorry for my bad english


Re: Login with username or email address

Reply #14

Probably the password recovery, but don't quote me on that, I'm trying to remember and I'm a little drunk... (some montepulciano was a little stronger than I expected xD)
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