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[SOLVED]langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ? Started by augras · · Read 20672 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[SOLVED]langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

since 2 days i made a lot of translations on transifex and this morning i updated the french langpack on my Elkarte... but nothing change ! The translation are on transifex but the langpack seems to not be update with them. Even the translations made on thursday are not in.
Thanks for help,
Last Edit: April 05, 2021, 11:08:27 am by augras

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #1

When i extract the zip downloaded this morning all the files are from 2020 december 27 18:23.
Last Edit: February 20, 2021, 11:45:25 am by augras

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #2

It's not only the french langpack but it seems that all the langpacks are from 2020 december 27 18:23.

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #3

Thank you for the report, that sounds like an issue from when we moved to the new server.  To investigate!

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #4

Thank you @Spuds,
as long as the translations of the last days are not lost it's ok for me.

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #5

I'm not really that knowledgeable about transifex, but looking it appears you updated the language string for ElkArte not ElkArte1.1 which is shown as a separate project.   Almost all of the strings were the same so your effort was not in vain, you just need to submit them to the other project.   I do see you changes, and thank you!

The server is, as far as I can see, building the files correctly.  I also double checked the domain name to make sure I was point to the new server which it is.

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #6

I'm sorry for that !
I don't understand : i  took care to work on 1.1...
How can i submit the changes to 1.1 ?
I'm not at home at this time and i will  try tonight.
Thank you,

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #7

I'm back at home.
I really worked on elkarte1.1 : i take care to that.
On Elkarte the first file is Editor and in the admin file there is still 2 channels to translate.
I just take a look to the post file because i translated all that file in elkarte1.1 : the 2 files are not the same in elkarte an elkarte1.1.
I understand anything but i worked on elkarte1.1... but i can see some translations that i made in elkarte1.1 in elkarte !
And i just verified on the langpacks to download (built on 2021-02-21) have the files on 2020 december 27 18:23 (i tried french and danish).

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #8

I see that now.  There are updates are in the 1.1 branch, and also some are in the 1.0 branch, thats what confused me.  Acutally parts of the Transifex interface confuse me, its hard to see what updates (other than source) have been made.

Anyway you are correct, the 1.1 updates are not showing up in the generated language packs.  I've asked @TE to look at the server side of things in case the updated files are not being downloaded.  We will get this worked out.

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #9

It seems some of the translations have been made in the same time in the two projects : i don't understand how and why not all ? But all the new translations i have made, in elkarte1.1, are here and save.
Maybe @TE will understand and i hope makes the updates work again.
Wait and see !
Thank you @Spuds
Last Edit: February 22, 2021, 07:24:01 am by augras

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #10

issue is identified and will be fixed soon..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #11

Don't worry, there is not the fire to the lake as we say in french ! Maybe it's strange in english ?
Thank you,

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #12

Next build in ~ 3 hours should fix it.
From what I've seen at least the french 1.1 files have been modified partially, but please validate tomorrow :)
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #13

Thanks for the fix, I did some small edits a couple of days back and they are included into the italian translation
sorry for my bad english

Re: langpacks not anymore update on transifex since 2020 december 27 18:23 ?

Reply #14

Quote from: TE – Next build in ~ 3 hours should fix it.
From what I've seen at least the french 1.1 files have been modified partially, but please validate tomorrow :)
It's ok : i upload the new file and as i can see my translations are here.
I only worked on elkarte1.1 not on elkarte : but some translations are also in elkarte.
THANKS a lot !

An another question about localizations :
i added the server in the packages manager but it's empty !
It's in french but it's mean Not yet packages.
Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 09:45:40 am by augras