Re: translations ok in the files but some not display
Reply #1 – February 26, 2021, 05:12:59 pm
I think those are in the group language file, could be another example of the same string in two files.
Re: translations ok in the files but some not display
Reply #2 – February 27, 2021, 04:33:23 am
I made a search in all files, file by file, and found these channels only in install.english.php. Which file is the group language file ?
Re: translations ok in the files but some not display
Reply #3 – February 27, 2021, 09:14:04 am
Oh those, LOL Yes you are correct, they are added to the DB during the install phase, so if the translation was not there at install time, you get the defaults. Both those are placeholders, you can easily change the names with the admin panel post install.
Re: translations ok in the files but some not display
Reply #4 – February 27, 2021, 10:50:51 am
You are right. I found ! Where i made the capture, on the right of each line, there is a button Edit ! My mind was on the translation file and my eyes... also ! Sorry for that. But it's a little bit a creasy thing, no ?
Re: translations ok in the files but some not display
Reply #5 – February 27, 2021, 11:07:40 am
I made a test. I translated these channels to french and put my default language to english : the groups are still in french. With administrators from differents countries, even with the good langpack for each, these channels never change.
Re: translations ok in the files but some not display
Reply #6 – February 27, 2021, 11:40:13 am
nods That makes sense from the perspective of the program. I'm not very informed on how all translations work, but I don't think any DB added values get translated. For example the board descriptions and names don't get translated (that I know of). I don't think the member groups are treated any differently, meaning they are not part of the i18n process and are just shown in the default language of the site.
Re: translations ok in the files but some not display
Reply #7 – February 27, 2021, 11:50:16 am
I think individual language preference overrides site language preference but I am not sure whether that relates to the discussed problems here.
Re: translations ok in the files but some not display
Reply #10 – February 28, 2021, 05:18:09 am
Don't worry about it. I know now how to modify these names. Thank you everybody.