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Remember more Started by emanuele · · Read 3594 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Remember more

There are several things (well, at the moment the only one I remember are the options of the moved topics notice :P) that are "remembered" in the session variable.
That means when you disconnect the settings are lost.
I think it would be nice to store somewhere permanently. O:-)

The example is exactly the moved topics notices: I move batches of topics from bug reports to exterminated, I do that once a week or so, and every time, for the the first topic I move, I have to remember to 1) change the board, 2) tick to post the redirection, 3) set the redirection to a week. <= these three things should be remembered forever and changed accordingly to the last move I did. Just for convenience.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Remember more

Reply #1

You mean you're not going to let Elk enjoy its senility?

Actually, I like this idea very much.

Re: Remember more

Reply #2

I can go senile, not Elk!! :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: Remember more

Reply #3

In theory you could use the same mechanism we use to remember the min/max advanced options areas, thats saved to theme stuff which is a dumping ground anyway.  One serialized string of data.