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[ADDON] Levertine Gallery Started by Spuds · · Read 79087 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #135

Fixed a few more small things, mainly around marginally improved TIF image support for the few that want that.  At this point I'm calling it 1.2.0, if there are errors or other features to add, that is what the .0 is for ;)

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #137

The TIF issue was that it showed a broken / no thumbnail in the upload interface, but it the thumbnail complete event was triggering so everything proceeded as normal.

This is really due to poor browser support for TIF images and what is probably a bug in the upload project.  The fix was to show a generic thumbnail when the client fails to create one successfully.   The update works for any client side thumb-nailing that fails so its a good catch net to have in the code.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #138

Quote from: Spuds – The update works for any client side thumb-nailing that fails so its a good catch net to have in the code.

The only reason asking, is I had done some own modifications, and didn't really want to do them again....LOL
When find some time, I could go and see what I'd need to update.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #139

You can always use WinMerge to compare the versions .... The above fix was just a few lines added to the (3) .on thumbnail events, two in album and one in item templates.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #140

I believe TIFF files should not be allowed in a web gallery, or at least they should be converted to JPEG/PNG or WebP.
Tif files are mostly used for high quality printing, it's a lossless format, sometimes not even compressed, often in CMYK, could embed colour profile, I really don't know if a cmyk file could be converted to RGB by GD/Imagick and how the results could be. The colours accuracy will surely differ from the original file.
For me it's a no.
sorry for my bad english

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #141

You have the option to set the file types you allow in your gallery .... just don't select tiff ;)

Yes they are big, like ginormous, lossless files ... I get them when scanning in film negatives or when transferring Cannon CR2 raw files from Abobe Lightroom to other photo plugins that I use.  So I understand their use case, but its not really much use for the web.  I'd have to check what happens when "limits" are in place and you upload a tif, I think it will be converted but would have to check.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #142

Bump to 1.2.1 ....

  • Improve/add a few select language strings to clarify intent
  • CSS updates, moving some inline back to CSS and other fixes for mobile
  • Add a preload spinner for bulk upload page, ensure the submit button is not available until done with preload.
  • Set the order of menu to be mine/site/group/member
  • Moving an item to a new album during item edit was not working
  • Fix issue where quota class, under unusual instances, could throw an error
  • Short descriptions with link would break the template layout (nested <a>)
  • Add/improve sub album count calculator, add info to layout
  • Provide an option to not always include the default group in results to avoid layout confusion
  • Move location of info note, folks are missing it or ignoring it
  • Use column layout for unseen items to save layout space
  • Change to select-able Divs when viewing album hierarchy, makes click/tap easy
  • Additional language tweaks and some cross language sync
  • Allow search on album name/description only (item types are required in that case)
  • Provide page navigation at the bottom of the compact user album listing
  • Missing language file in BBC/Code definition
  • Show notice if when adding a new album if it will require approval
  • Adding a new group and removing the existing group (album permission edit) caused permission to default to site
  • Do not show the ? link on preview images, as the image is already linked ([media] tag rendering)
  • Improve approval notifications on new / editing / general album display (consistent with items)
  • Prevent page error when guest viewing and certain permissions were set.
  • Improve album deletion dialog and confirmation
  • Harden permissions for deleting / editing group albums
Last Edit: January 07, 2024, 03:43:47 pm by Spuds

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #143

Is there a way, when having files, such as pdf, to have them open in new tab when they are clicked?
Right now, when they click in the item list, it opens whatever pdf viewer they have in the same tab.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #144

Quote from: Burke Knight – @Spuds
Is there a way, when having files, such as pdf, to have them open in new tab when they are clicked?
Right now, when they click in the item list, it opens whatever pdf viewer they have in the same tab.
I like to have this as well. Or may be an option to do so.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #145

In LevGal-Item.template.php

Code: (find) [Select]
<a href="' . (!empty($viewInline) ? substr($context['item_actions']['actions']['download'][1], 0, -10) : '') . '">

Code: (replace) [Select]
<a href="' . (!empty($viewInline) ? substr($context['item_actions']['actions']['download'][1], 0, -10) : '') . '" target="_blank">

That will generally affect any non-image files and open them in a new tab ... its that target="_blank" that causes that behavior.  Try that and let me know if that is what you wanted.

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #146

Quote from: Spuds – That will generally affect any non-image files and open them in a new tab ... its that  target="_blank" that causes that behavior.  Try that and let me know if that is what you wanted.

Works like a charm!
My issue was trying to find where to add the target="_blank" to make it work. I didn't think of that file.  :tongue:

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #147

Found an issue that may want to look at.

When have site owned albums, in the LevGal sidebar, it uses the logo image from theme settings.
This can cause not being able to actually see it well, due to many logos being a lot wider than their height.
My suggestion, is either have it where they can select an image for site album image in the settings, or edit LevGal-Album.template.php
and change this:

Code: [Select]
	// a site owned album, use site logo if available.
echo '
<div class="posted_by">', $txt['lgal_owned_by'], '</div>
<div class="album_owner">
<span class="user_avatar">
<img class="avatar avatarresize" src="', $context['header_logo_url_html_safe'], '" alt="', $context['forum_name_html_safe'], '" />', '
<div class="">', $context['forum_name_html_safe'], '</div>
<div class="user smalltext">', sprintf($txt['lgal_see_more'], $scripturl . '?media/albumlist/site/'), '</div>
<br />';

To maybe this:

Code: [Select]
	// a site owned album, use site logo if available.
echo '
<div class="posted_by">', $txt['lgal_owned_by'], '</div>
<div class="album_owner">
<span class="user_avatar">
<img class="avatar avatarresize" src="' . $context['favicon'] . '" alt="', $context['forum_name_html_safe'], '" />', '
<div class="">', $context['forum_name_html_safe'], '</div>
<div class="user smalltext">', sprintf($txt['lgal_see_more'], $scripturl . '?media/albumlist/site/'), '</div>
<br />';

Or possibly, mobile.png

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #148

:thinking:  Fair point ... $context['favicon'] I think defaults to Mobile.png anyway.  Thanks for the report!

Re: [ADDON] Levertine Gallery

Reply #149

Small bump to V1.2.2  ...

  • Prevent duplicate id in HTML when items are used in signatures
  •   Increase the number of recent gallery items shown in a members profile view
  • Use mobile image for site owned gallery to avoid breaking the layout
  • Change default sort to time_added from item_id. This is in most cases the same output, but allows for sort adjustments when needed
  • Include the default group in move to option (edit item), otherwise it could change to a user album on update
  • Prevent the upload button from showing until we are done with client side checks
  • Add slideshow button to gallery landing page for recent/random blocks
  • Add behavior compatibility file to support transition to this gallery
  • Add option to open non-image files in a new tab or use the existing tab
  • Add slideshow button to home page for recent/random blocks
  • Some chrome variants do not inline PDF's if its not set as application/pdf
  • Minor UI tweaks