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Re: Session Verification Error! Started by Atlas · · Read 14402 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Session Verification Error!

Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #15

Quote from: Atlas –
Quote from: Atlas – I just successfully installed v1.1.5, "manually". My previous attempted installs were through my CPanel.
eh, i spoke too soon. I successfully installed v1.1.5 offline, but still having the same error installing the live (online) copy.  I guess my next step will be to compare PHP modules between my online/offline servers.
well, i enabled all PHP 7.2 extensions, and still have the error. Aside from the extensions, the differences between my online and offline servers are:
online: PHP 7.2.12, uses https - gets session error.
offline: PHP 7.2.10RC1, uses http, no session error.

..btw, "browser history" can't be the issue. I've tested it with multiple browsers, multiple devices, same issue in all.

To be clear, I'm getting the error when i attempt to login as admin after installation. Also when I change browsers and attempt to register a new account I'm unable to get passed the agreement page.
Last Edit: December 05, 2018, 12:14:16 am by Atlas

Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #16

Okay, I split the topic because I was getting way too confused as to who was having which problem.
Next time you have a similar issue, please create your own topic and reference the other one, otherwise mixing two issues from two different forums that are using two different versions is way too confusing.

Please via phpmyadmin (or any other tool you prefer), check if you have something in the table elkarte_log_errors.
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Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #17

Quote from: emanuele – Please via phpmyadmin (or any other tool you prefer), check if you have something in the table elkarte_log_errors.

The table is empty.

Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #18

Also i tried deleting rows in the "elkarte_sessions" table before attempting admin login again, that didn't help either.

Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #19

More info. I exported the SQL for my offline (successful) copy, edited the paths for the online copy and overwrote the online SQL with the edited version. That didn't help either.

Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #20

Could you please try with javascript disabled? It shouldn't be, but let's try that one as well.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #21

Quote from: emanuele – Could you please try with javascript disabled? It shouldn't be, but let's try that one as well.

That didn't help either.  Sending another link to you via PM.  Thanks for your help.

Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #22

You are using a redirect to hide the index.php and this is the thing messing with sessions.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #23

Quote from: emanuele – You are using a redirect to hide the index.php and this is the thing messing with sessions.

ha! i didn't think of that! good catch, I forgot about that configuration.

Thank you so very much, I'm excited about this again, I can't wait to share my customizations with you. idk if you remember me from last year but I'm an rdfa-dev, but that's just the beginning of my customizing ideas, I'm also planning to use the forum as a Comments' repository... by that I mean I intend to auto-generate topics per page for the site and use topic-replies as comments --semantically marked-up as such, of course. Kinda Elkarte meets Disqus... a Disqus that can't be censored by the likes of someone like Disqus.
Last Edit: December 09, 2018, 04:33:49 am by Atlas


Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #24

No wonder...

Re: Re: Session Verification Error!

Reply #25

Quote from: emanuele – You are using a redirect to hide the index.php and this is the thing messing with sessions.

Confirmed issue. We can mark this one resolved.

thanks again