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Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name. Started by tetricky · · Read 4934 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

I've got myself in a mess.  I have a forum, that is currently on 1.0.10.  The hosting is expiring in a few days.

I'm trying to move to a new platform (vestacp on an OVH spd ssd).  I have vestacp installed, and I've copied all of my files to the new domain directory. I can access the domain and the elkarte index.php from a browser (obviously not working, because I haven't setup the database yet).

I copied repair_settings (and I have chown and chmod to ensure permissive permissions for the directory owner and group - the vestacp user), with the intention of importing the database and using repair_settings.php to point to the correct database and user (and then import the database).

I can't seem get repair_settings.php to run.  I just get a Server 500 error.

Would anyone be able to identify a methedology that will get me through this:

Move elkarte to a new host, and domain directory
Get the 1.0.10 version running.
Upgrade to 1.1.13
Breathe a sight of relief.

I've moved smf forums before, and moved smf to elkarte. I'm unsure why I'm having such a problem, is it something to do with vestacp? Can anyone recommend a lightweight host panel alternative - I need a few domains hosted on it, but no great traffic or complexity?

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #1

What did you set repair_settings to? 777?
If so, you may try something lower, like... 644.
Bugs creator.
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Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #2

Wish I could help with the transfer problem they can be a pain at times. As for a hosting panel I have used vestacp and wasn't a big fan, I moved over to Centos web panel. Key thing is you have to use centos operating system,

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #3

Quote from: emanuele – hmm...
What did you set repair_settings to? 777?
If so, you may try something lower, like... 644.

I had a go at 755, then 777.  I'll try something lower. I've got the database loaded, and everything is in place....just can't run repair settings at the moment.


...just had a go at 644....still wont load/run.

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #4

Further Edit:

Tried it in firefox (was previously using chrome). It works.

So it must be some sort of browser security issue.

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #5

Final Edit.

VestaCP had put a user prefex in front of the defined database user, as a requirement to log into the database.  So

<database_username>, password

didnt work, where

<vestacp_username>_<database_username>, password

did work. I had corrected that before trying firefox, and forgotten. When i try it with those credentials it also works in chrome.

so the 500 error was most likely related to not being able to authenticate the database.

777, and 755 work


Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #6

Thank you very much @tetricky I thought this issue was fixed a while ago, but apparently it surfaced again.
May I ask you from where did you download the repair setting you used?
Bugs creator.
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Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #7

Quote from: emanuele – Thank you very much @tetricky I thought this issue was fixed a while ago, but apparently it surfaced again.
May I ask you from where did you download the repair setting you used?

I got the repair settings from github, under the tools.

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #8

I've now tried to upgrade straight from 1.0.10 to 1.1.3.  I'm trying to keep my attachment directory. That doesn't work.

"The upgrader found some old or outdated files.

Please make certain you uploaded the new versions of all the files included in the package.
Click here to try again."

Now trying to go via all the previous versions.

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #9

I get that message if I don't retain anything except "Settings.php"...even after upgrading the database using 1.1.0 (upgrader works). Upgrading the database for 1.1.2 (after succeeding with the previous ones) fails.  so I'm going to have to try starting again.


Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #10

Right.  I have a bigger problem than I thought.

If I go back to my original site files, and database on 1.0.10, it all works fine.

If I upgrade to 1.1.0 the upgrade completes successfully....but if i try to go to the forum all I see from index.php is:

QuoteMaintenance Mode
Okay faithful users...we're attempting to restore an older backup of the will be posted once we're back!

No way of logging in or doing anything. repair_settings.php shows that everything is okay.  It appears that I am not able to upgrade the database, and proceed with using the forum.

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #11

...okay...Maintenance mode had somehow become switched to "unusable".  Corrected in repair settings.

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #12

Another fail at going from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2....and 1.1.3 wont upgrade from the 1.1.1 database. It looks like I'm stuck at 1.1.1

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #13

Please stay calm one second.
There is no need to go from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 to 1.1.3.
The database schema has not changed since 1.1 beta 1, because "beta" means database schema locked (at least that's the policy we followed since 1.0). Furthermore, at any time the install package that you download from the main page here, always points to the most recent version available that already include any previous patch. So once you have that installed, there is no need to further update unless a new release is done.

So, what you have to do is simply:
1) download the 1.1.3 package file,
2) unzip it,
3) upload it to overwrite anything in your forum directory,
4) point to your forum.
It will redirect to the upgrade, you follow the instructions and delete the "install" directory.
That's all.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Help: Move host, upgrade, and change domain name.

Reply #14

I did use that workflow...and it didn't work for me. I'll have a go now I am setting up a new server (yes, a new one...OVH troubles).

One thing I have noticed in my 1.1.1 is that the registration captcha doesn't display, and the spoken version doesn't appear to allow registration progress.  At the moment this is nice, because it's staunched the flow of russian bots...but ultimately I might like to have the odd new member.

Is this just me, or a known issues with 1.1.1? Will upgrade likely fix it, or am I looking at some level of server misconfig?