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Looking for Elkarte developer to create an Addon Started by Mike Guy · · Read 9355 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Looking for Elkarte developer to create an Addon

I just started using the ElekArte Forum software and it is excellent.

Problem is that I need to place at least one more clickable graft at the top of the homepage so that my users can switch back and forth between the Forum and the homepage of my main website.

Here is a link to the site:

Any takers ?

Re: Looking for Elkarte developer to create an Addon

Reply #1

Not interested doing the job since I'm not a coder, but what do you mean exactly with:
Quoteplace at least one more clickable graft at the top of the homepage so that my users can switch back and forth between the Forum and the homepage
Do you need to edit the elkarte menu?
sorry for my bad english

Re: Looking for Elkarte developer to create an Addon

Reply #2

There is ultimate menu addon to help you, I think.

Re: Looking for Elkarte developer to create an Addon

Reply #3

Looks like you have a top menu link to do that, is there something else you needed? 

And as @ahrasis noted, UM addon should be able to do it for you,