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General ranting about stuff Started by Antechinus · · Read 7139 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

General ranting about stuff

Quoted from elsewhere, in reply to someone commenting about flat design stuff..............

QuoteYeah I know flat design is the current fad. Like any other fad, it wont last. It can look good, sometimes, if done well, but people will get bored with it sooner or later.

This happened with Curve. Can't remember where I said it, but I posted once that I just knew that as soon as doing rounded corners became easy, someone would go and do square corners just to be different, and the result would be that some people would jump up and down with excitement because it was different.

This happened. :D

Of course, back in the days when doing rounded corners was difficult, the same people, or people like them, would jump up and down with excitement whenever someone figured out how to do rounded corners, and the person that had done them would feel as clever as the person who does square corners or flat design feels now.

Me? I don't give a rat's. I just use what I think works for the example in question, and to hell with anyone else.

The best of Art Nouveau architecture was awesome. Ditto the best of Art Deco. Ditto the best (but only the very best, which was not much) of Bauhaus. As soon as the latest one came in, the earlier ones were regarded as old hat. Now they're regarded as awesome cool retro. ;)

If you don't like what's currently in fashion, just wait. With clothes, the old joke was that you would have to wait about a decade before what you liked wearing was trendy again. With the web, nobody has a memory longer than three weeks, so things change faster. :D
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: General ranting about stuff

Reply #1


 emanuele thinks that quote says a right thing
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.


Re: General ranting about stuff

Reply #2

Yes. The web is still a young industry. The more power CSS gives us, the more we are stuck between wanting to abuse it, or go back to the roots

Flat design isn't like the 90s, though. Something happened in the meantime. It's called typography.