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"Missing Key" error on reply-email Started by rjm · · Read 9098 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: \

Reply #15

Microsoft of all companies actually have decent documentation on how to integrate with their OAuth client and send a mail. It’s also up to date and works as we’ve just finished integrating with it for a work project as the powers that be decided we should send our mail through outlook rather than use our own postfix server which was locked down to certain IP’s, also had a secure username and password, and finally was monitored and checked daily…. as outlook is more secure. :man_shrugging:

Their docs are here

I do like how the man shrugging emoji is interpreted on here.

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #16

Quote from: tino – Microsoft of all companies actually have decent documentation on how to integrate with their OAuth client and send a mail. It’s also up to date and works as we’ve just finished integrating with it for a work project as the powers that be decided we should send our mail through outlook rather than use our own postfix server which was locked down to certain IP’s, also had a secure username and password, and finally was monitored and checked daily…. as outlook is more secure. :man_shrugging:

Their docs are here

I do like how the man shrugging emoji is interpreted on here.

If everyone adopted that approach it would solve just one of the many problems. The issue is that the protocol is so squishy that there's going to be dozens (or more) implementation versions of it, each likely to require identifying which is being used and writing custom filters and parsers for that particular version.
Microsoft has lots of experience with OS integration so I would expect they would be well thought out and documented with their implementation. Google's is different, and apparently not well documented to boot. The others . . will be different still,  Building a "framework" to handle them all could become a nightmare, which more than a few suspect is the intention (including Eran Hammer and apparently Dave Recordon, who were lead authors on the IETF group OAUTH 2 project). 

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #17

Quote from: tino – I do like how the man shrugging emoji is interpreted on here.
I'm going to assume you did not use the emoji pulldown and instead did a keyboard emoji ?   Do you happen to have the utf8 code used.  The site should be "converting" the ones it knows to use the site icon and not the browser default.  Looks like it did a partial on some multi byte emoji, so you know perhaps a bug.

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #19

Quote from: Spuds –
Quote from: tino – I do like how the man shrugging emoji is interpreted on here.
I'm going to assume you did not use the emoji pulldown and instead did a keyboard emoji ?   Do you happen to have the utf8 code used.  The site should be "converting" the ones it knows to use the site icon and not the browser default.  Looks like it did a partial on some multi byte emoji, so you know perhaps a bug.

I used the one on the Apple iPhone keyboard, who uses a PC these days to browse the net? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

When I get a chance I’ll try and work out what it is.

Re: \

Reply #20


If you copy the image on there it seems to also break, not sure if that helps you at all @Spuds
Last Edit: August 20, 2022, 07:35:01 pm by tino

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #21

Anything repeatable is:moneybag:  I can see its not processing those multi byte emoji properly, to fix!
Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 01:03:08 pm by Spuds

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #22

I think I have a fix for the emoji issue, its at least something to test. 

I will not drag everyone through emoji / utf-8 / mySql's 3 byte / differences in codes used in libraries / bla.  Lets just say things got needless messy! 

The system attempts to find "keyboard" emoji and display them in the sites emoji set so things look consistent.  When it can't it should just show the image as the browser decides.  It was getting lost due to the juggling that is done to support 4byte in the mysql utf-8 space.  I have not tested the update extensively.

:man_shrugging:<-- That should be man shrugging, which is  1F937-‍200D-2642-️FE0F or generic person shrugging+zero space+man symbol+variant selector in the sites image set.

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #23

I'm glad I don't have to worry about this stuff on my boards, all my users are mature adults.

(..that use PCs on the internet..  8)  )
Last Edit: August 23, 2022, 12:45:07 am by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #25

The opposite of puerile  ;)

I almost hate to suggest it, but I was thinking the next step is a "Magic 8-ball" that you click on and it randomly pops up "Ask Again Later", "Without a Doubt", "Very Doubtful".. etc.. 
Spawn that into "Angry Child" that spews random curses , tantrums, whatever..

Maybe create an emote board, no text allowed, only emoticons..  you could have a lot of fun with that too.
(Supposedly the shortest recorded "telegram conversation" in history was a "?" query, that elicited a "!" response.)
Or how about a Klingon language module..  the possibilities for frivolity are literally endless. 

/Linux is free if your time is worthless/

Last Edit: August 24, 2022, 06:35:27 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #26

I did create a talk like pirate addon that is fun :) ... It did basic substitution for common phrases and changed them into pirate speak!

Could be changed to do Klingon as well :smiley:

Re: \

Reply #27

This are emoji: :hugging::sparkles::man_shrugging::red_heart::white_check_mark: <- all cut and pasted in

The next are all ZWJ dual 4byte, so will go into the database as  &#x1f636;‍[zwj]&#x1f32b;️ as an example
:face_in_clouds: Face in Clouds
:face_exhaling: Face Exhaling
:face_with_spiral_eyes: Face with Spiral Eyes

This is a 4byte followed by a 3byte ... this will be stored as &#x1f937[zwj];‍♂️
:man_shrugging:Man Shrugging

A 3 byte followed by a 4 byte
:heart_on_fire: Heart on fire ... this should be ❤️‍[zwj]&#x1f525;

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #28


edit: when I go to edit they are shown correctly.
Last Edit: August 25, 2022, 03:24:18 pm by tino

Re: "Missing Key" error on reply-email

Reply #29

Nods ... I had noticed that in your original post (that some were not substituting correctly). 

I know why that is happening in the code.  It does not help that apple is rolling their own ZWJ sequence (remember when MS was the standards problem child, well they have been surpassed!)

I just have to decide on the last part of the fix, I have an idea to try.