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Show off your Elks! Started by emanuele · · Read 52185 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Show off your Elks!

I am curious and I would like to see how ElkArte is used, so... feel free to show what you are doing with it! ;D

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This is a bit wide TBH, but... heh. :P
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Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #1

I'll begin the show:
As of now (Feb 20th, 2014) it's still empty, not sure what I'll do with it. Most likely I'll use to experiment with mods and stuff (do not waste time registering, I'm pretty sure sooner or later I'll break it :P).
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Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #2

Maybe use it as italian support forum for ElkArte?

Mine is used by a small group of gamers at 30+ of age. But I want to work a bit on the theme before I represent it here.  ;)

Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #3

mine is still using elkarte vanilla, nothing changed. this is just a small forum for my friends. but I'm interested to integrate it to 1 of my blog if there is a bridge or starting a new forum in a niche.
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Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #4

Just about done with mine, did some minor  :P
All I have to do is make a logo, your thoughts would be great here.
Link is sig

Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #5

Nice theme & colors..
Only thing I'd change : the category colors (the text is dark on dark background, not good for my eyes). That's probably for guest only, because the category isn't hyperlinked then.

Some questions:
Is it a full theme or a variant?
How  many hours did you spend on that theme?
Was is harder / easier than building an SMF theme?
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #6

I was thinking about the changing the category text color to a light gray. It was much easier then making a theme for SMF, although I just basically did css edits. I would say all together is took me about 3 hours to put it all together and it's a full theme I can make a download of it for others to use.

Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #8

Great! :D

On the colors, one thing I usually use is this: there is also another site I mentioned, but don't remember where I put the link... :-[
Both are tools designed to test the accessibility, this one in particular is focused on helping in support WCGA accessibility guidelines for the different kinds of color blindness.
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Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #10

Quote from: Jorin – Mine is used by a small group of gamers at 30+ of age. But I want to work a bit on the theme before I represent it here.  ;)

There it is, with a blue variation of ElkArte Light:

Made some changes in index.css and changed the board icons. Just one little problem: When you move the mouse over a posters name in a topic, the color of the name changes. I can't find the place in the css file?!?

Oh, wow! Pressed STRG+B by mistake. ElkArte made a [b][/b] out of this! Great!  :o  :D

Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #11

You still have the green one for guests! :P
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Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #12

f..k!  :o  ::)

Set it as default now.  O:-)

Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #13

Great! :D

The green on the name is given by:
Code: [Select]
.avatar .linklevel1, .avatar:hover .linklevel1, .avatar .linklevel1:focus, .name.linklevel1, .name.linklevel1:hover, .name.linklevel1:focus {
line 610 of index_light.css. ;D
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Re: Show off your Elks!

Reply #14

I'm just curious, are there any other websites using Elkarte?
sorry for my bad english