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[WIP] Pearl Started by Wizard · · Read 4904 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[WIP] Pearl

I have a concept to work with. Just that it would be great if there is a crowd funding for the theme. How about a crowd funding of $ 250  for this theme and ElkArte home page ?

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #1

I really cannot see a crowdfunding going to happen for a theme, given that the elk one has been done for free, and it's already pretty good and responsive...
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #2

I love the clear look and would spend some money for it. But crowfunding? I don't think this will work too.

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #3

My own personal opinion: I work for free because I'm fine with it.
Others may want to work for some money. It's not a sin.

If the crowdfunding path generates a theme that the majority like, and at the end of the crowdfunding campaign the theme is released under an open source compatible license, where is the problem in using it?
There are even companies that work on a similar pattern: do something for money and give something back to the community that made them gain the money.
There are even projects that put bounties (paid either by sponsors or crowdfunding) on features and bug fixes.

The (computer) world is not "black or white", it has at least 254 shades of grey in between. :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #4

No sin at all, lol, in fact I do some paid jobs myself every once in a while ;D
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #5

Not for personal gain. We can use that money to buy a Redactor license for ElkArte.

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #7

A very popular text editor :)

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #8

Sorry, but from me it's a big thumbs down for mixing closed and open source licenses.
Even have different open source licenses can lead to borderline cases, have closed source software mixed would mean that people receiving an Elk package would have to think twice before redistributing it. Now you can put the code anywhere you want and redistribute the package, with Redactor it looks like it's kind of allowed based on the kindness of the authors of the editor. Not acceptable to me. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #9

In that case, we can discuss on how to put best use of funds raised via crowd funding.

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #10

Wow it looks really nice :)

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #11

Quote from: Wizard – In that case, we can discuss on how to put best use of funds raised via crowd funding.

I'd suggest going the other way around. Raise the money (or accept donations) for the theme, and then present it to Elkarte. If nothing else, it pays for hosting. Or maybe the devs find another use for the money, like something we haven't thought of.

Better to be an altruistic gift than be seen trying to leverage something.

Re: [WIP] Pearl

Reply #12

All my contributions to ElkArte are and will remain free.