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Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies? Started by niloc · · Read 8313 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

If you're not sure what I'm saying, I mean replying to a post or comment, ala reddit / Facebook.

Do we currently have such an add on? Cause I can't seem to find it.

If we don't have one, how difficult is it for a novice programmer to make one, and what would the general architecture be like?

Thanks!  ;D
Facta, non verba.

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #1

None that I am aware of

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #2

Those could be made as addon or theme or both.

I did one addon that move quick reply box as part of the post.

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #3

Not only that, but it's a feature that used to be in the various other packages (vBulletin used to have it, IPB used to have it, MyBB used to have it) and they all got rid of it because no matter what they did, it confused users and made the site run slower than otherwise.

I get the appeal of Reddit but it is a horrible user interface in my opinion.

@ahrasis it's not just a case of moving the QR box though, you need to start tracking where a reply is to (so potentially, every individual post could have its own reply box), and managing that tree of posts, and then displaying it. Not sure a theme can do that because it would require loading different post data to keep track of the tree.

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #4

Quote from: Arantor – I get the appeal of Reddit but it is a horrible user interface in my opinion.
I have to 2nd this, I really dislike that interface.  I know its popular with some folks, but simply it did not click on for me.

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #5

Quote from: Arantor –
@ahrasis it's not just a case of moving the QR box though, you need to start tracking where a reply is to (so potentially, every individual post could have its own reply box), and managing that tree of posts, and then displaying it. Not sure a theme can do that because it would require loading different post data to keep track of the tree.
I know some of your thoughts and styles so I understand and no further comments on that.

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #6

A theme [1] could only do a kind of "fake" threads by for example automatically quoting the original message during the quick reply next to the post.
Anything more that that would require, as Arantor pointed out, a database table to keep track of which is the parent post of each post. There is no way around this.
assuming you mean a theme in the "coding related to style" point of view, of course if you mean "themes are php files I can do whatever I want, that's another story
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #7

What I mean by theme? I am not the one opening this thread who ask about an addon. I was merely replying. I don't blamed the poster but why suddenly I am under attack again?

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #8

Well, you said it could be part of a theme, I said I wasn't sure it could, then others followed up with more detail. That's not an attack.

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #9

Just think... if this was an IRC-type chat, it would only have taken a minute to come to a heated/defensive misunderstanding instead of 4 days..  ;D
Last Edit: June 20, 2021, 12:56:02 pm by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #10

Quote from: ahrasis – What I mean by theme? I am not the one opening this thread who ask about an addon. I was merely replying. I don't blamed the poster but why suddenly I am under attack again?
I don't think I attacked anyone, I just replied as politely as I think I always try to do (at least that was my intention).
TBH while writing about themes I was thinking about Bloc (let me say "I understood he has that view, but I may be wrong", just in case he comes up and says he doesn't think that way) that prefer the approach where themes are basically php and you can do whatever you want with them, while I tend to think themes should be less php, but I didn't go that much further into thinking.

Oh well, these days weather it's hot here around, I guess misunderstandings are inevitable.
 emanuele waves
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #11

Quote from: Steeley – Just think... if this was an IRC-type chat, it would only have taken a minute to come to a heated/defensive misunderstanding instead of 4 days..  ;D
I think he is just telling joe that using potus as his password was a poor choice.

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #12

Quote from: Spuds –
Quote from: Steeley – Just think... if this was an IRC-type chat, it would only have taken a minute to come to a heated/defensive misunderstanding instead of 4 days..  ;D
I think he is just telling joe that using potus as his password was a poor choice.

Especially when he can't remember that either..  :D

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #13

There istiny comments for SMF 2.0

I wonder how difficult it could be to convert it for Elkarte?

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #14

Generally for basic mods its not too much work, but for a complex ones, that deeply integrates with the core (think portals and gallery) it can be a  fair amount of work. I have no idea on this mod, from the screen shots it looks like its mostly template work but I really don't know.