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Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies? Started by niloc · · Read 8086 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #15

Quote from: Spuds – Generally for basic mods its not too much work, but for a complex ones, that deeply integrates with the core (think portals and gallery) it can be a  fair amount of work. I have no idea on this mod, from the screen shots it looks like its mostly template work but I really don't know.
zip is 24k so it should be on the less complex end I guess. For me this mod is really important and I have to take the decision if I use Elkarte (I really like it so far) for the new site. Is there any place where to start when converting a SMF mod?

Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #16

You can try and ask in here for any mods that you want help to convert to ElkArte addons for sure.


Re: Is there an add-on for reddit style sub comments/replies?

Reply #17

Quote from: Spuds –
Quote from: Arantor – I get the appeal of Reddit but it is a horrible user interface in my opinion.
I have to 2nd this, I really dislike that interface.  I know its popular with some folks, but simply it did not click on for me.
As an aside, if you ever have a reason to look at reddit make sure to use instead of the default. There are also browser add-ons to auto-redirect.