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message on registration Started by Jorin · · Read 8192 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

message on registration

I find it quite useful to inform new registered members of some important threads and posts. Are you planning to add the function to send new registered users a message?

Re: message on registration

Reply #1

I have seen that used in several ways.
I'm basically neutral on it, I'm not a fan of PMs at registration, because I tend to think that giving a more engaging environment is better than any standard PM, but at the moment I'm not sure what "engaging" could mean. LOL
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Re: message on registration

Reply #2

I've been using the mod "PM to new members" in SMF, it was useful to give some information to our new members like:
- ask to introduce in dedicated  board
- ask to vote in our poll "whch car model do you own"
- informing about the member map
- follow us on social networks

In some forums this could be useful.
sorry for my bad english

Re: message on registration

Reply #3

Me too. Did use the SMF mod too for such informations.

Re: message on registration

Reply #4

Agreed it is a good and useful thing to have but I am not so sure it should be part of default function.

Re: message on registration

Reply #5

Quote from: ahrasis – I am not so sure it should be part of default function.

agree, it is useful for some forums, not all forums, imo it's useless in the core, better to have it as addon ;)
sorry for my bad english

Re: message on registration

Reply #6

Who can write it?  ;)

Re: message on registration

Reply #7

Anyone can write it. :P
It's rather simple, the attached one is a couple of hours work intermixed with chatting and so on.
Honestly is completely untested. And I mean it, I really just wrote it and tried out the admin interface because I hate smc_AutoSuggest, but everything else is just code I wrote, so it may be badly broken.

Test it before using live (unless you are brave enough, then be my guest :P).

ETA: package removed because developed on a wrong codebase (i.e. Elk 1.1)... sorry!
Last Edit: May 21, 2015, 02:27:49 pm by emanuele
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Re: message on registration

Reply #8

I really appreciate your enthusiasm and effort, but please... Don't feel yourself pushed to do all we want in no time! We can wait a few weeks or months  for a function or addon we wished. Would be better to surprise us with a 100 percent working addon then.  ;)

And please take your time for the real life.

Re: message on registration

Reply #9

Don't worry, I'm taking my time with the gallery! :P

Okay, the attached one should be working just fine and is probably 1.1 compatible. O:-)
I actually found some oddities in the sendpm function that I want to remove for 1.1. nods

ETA: you can select a number of members to be the servers or none. If none, then I think "guest" will be the nick of the sender.
If you specify more than one, the selection is at random.

ETA2: a partially technically interesting aspect of the addon (if I may be a little bold :P) is that the "main" hook (i.e. the one on the account activation that actually generates the PM), is not added at installation time, but is toggled on/off when the "master setting" is turned on/off, making the addon basically invisible if disabled.

ETA3: package removed due to a serious bug. O:-)
Last Edit: May 22, 2015, 02:29:05 am by emanuele
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Re: message on registration

Reply #11

Thanks, @emanuele for the fast work!  :)

But, where is the description shown? I don't see it...

Here's the german translation. You don't need it, I know.  ;)

Re: message on registration

Reply #12

Here it is a version 0.0.2.
Hopefully working better than the previous. O:-)

And added the German translation from Jorin, thanks! :D

Re: message on registration

Reply #13

Sorry, but {membername} did not work in the message. But {forum_name} works. Does it have to be {member_name}? :-[


Re: message on registration

Reply #14

Yep... I should really stop changing my mind every two seconds... :'(
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