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Quotes Started by Jorin · · Read 10867 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic


Sorry if this bug is reported before.  :-[

If you use quotes from older posts (the ones listed right beneath the text editor), the quote will not inserted at the current cursor position, but always on the top (first line) of the text field.

Re: Quotes

Reply #1

Javascript related stuff is not really my business but does it happen with WYSIWYG-Editor enabled or disabled?
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Quotes

Reply #2

WYSIWYG editor is disabled in my profile and was not used.

Re: Quotes

Reply #3

Yep, when SCEditor was introduced I wasn't able to find a way to insert quotes at the cursor position and I still have no idea how to do it.
It's the same with SMF 2.1...
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Re: Quotes

Reply #4

I really thought I had made an update that inserted the quote where the cursor was in the editor, maybe I'm missing something?

Re: Quotes

Reply #5

Quote from: Spuds – I really thought I had made an update that inserted the quote where the cursor was in the editor, maybe I'm missing something?
that's a Beta1 board, not a B2..
Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Quotes

Reply #6

Quote from: Spuds – I really thought I had made an update that inserted the quote where the cursor was in the editor, maybe I'm missing something?
Did you?
I didn't know, cool!
Very cool!
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: Quotes

Reply #7

Quote from: TE –
Quote from: Spuds – I really thought I had made an update that inserted the quote where the cursor was in the editor, maybe I'm missing something?
that's a Beta1 board, not a B2..

TE, I have the problems here at ElkArte support forum, and this seams to be a Beta 2. The footer says so.  ;)

Re: Quotes

Reply #8

Well that is odd .... I seems to be working for me (win7/Fx), I'll have to try some other browsers / OS combos ....

Test One Two
Quote from: Jorin – WYSIWYG editor is disabled in my profile and was not used.
Three Four <- I'm going to place the cusor between Two and Three and select insert quote

Re: Quotes

Reply #9

Quote from: Spuds – Well that is odd .... I seems to be working for me (win7/Fx), I'll have to try some other browsers / OS combos ....

Test One Two
Quote from: Jorin – WYSIWYG editor is disabled in my profile and was not used.
Three Four <- I'm going to place the cusor between Two and Three and select insert quote

First I press "reply", write my text, and click now on "insert quote" right here under this line of text:

No, it is placed at the beginning of the editor field. Using IE9. Can try it at home with Chrome also.

Re: Quotes

Reply #10

ah .. ie9, Ill give that a try as well.  To note it does not appear to work at all on my phone GIII/Android/fx

Re: Quotes

Reply #11

Quote from: Spuds – ah .. ie9, Ill give that a try as well.  To note it does not appear to work at all on my phone GIII/Android/fx

never mind :-P was just cache issue ... works fine on my phone.  cursor was placed after two

Re: Quotes

Reply #12

tested with IE9 on my local repo, works fine with Editor enabled ( and also disabled).

Thorsten "TE" Eurich

Re: Quotes

Reply #13

mhh too.  :-\

Maybe a problem with our IT department (I am at work atm)? Maybe simply ingore it? Depends on you guys!

Re: Quotes

Reply #14

Or maybe it was the js was cached by the browser and not replaced when it was updated? (In fact there was a bug that caused this, you may try again cleaning the cache just to stay on the safe side. ;))
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