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Looking for addon documentation/dev info Started by AN1M4L · · Read 2667 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Looking for addon documentation/dev info

Hello Elkarte admins and users, my team is looking to work on developing addons for elkarte, mainly for personal use however we are having issues finding documentation. There page here - just redirects back to the Wiki.

Re: Looking for addon documentation/dev info

Reply #1

There is no proper documentation yet. I think @vbgamer45 has just offered to write about some of it especially in porting SMF mods to ElkArte addons. SMF wiki for creating a modifications package hook or otherwise can still be referred to. Others you can try to search in here. Simply ask for support in this addon or the support board if you have further inquiry. ;)


Re: Looking for addon documentation/dev info

Reply #2

Yeah, it's basically the same as SMF with more hooks, see

However, it's easier to stick it in the XML. See, for example, how I converted my own to (but the SMF method will also work)

Of course you should refer to add-ons created by @Spuds or @emanuele if you want to see the truly interesting stuff, but I like to think my own is also showing off some interesting possibilities.

Note that Elk has all kinds of automatically generated hooks too, so just searching integrate_ in the code won't necessarily turn them up:

To see all hooks available on a particular page, stick $db_show_debug = true; in settings.php.