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Clan's and "tokens/money" Started by Vikvek · · Read 3127 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Clan's and "tokens/money"

Im making new game ladder site, and i was thinking about asking if someone would make this request possible,


Instead of subscriptions, i would need to get tokens for users, tokens would be available to earn or buy (buy first and earn from wins)
Tokens could be prosessed back to IRL money (I allready made those systems but i need hooks in forums so those tokens would be deleted from that account.)

About Clans,

I would need to give players to add users in the clans for games, and join in games with clan. (Clans would have email system what would inform about coming events such as ladder games).
Forum should create some kind of API what i could use as Sourcepawn plugin (CSGO plugin) to take incoming players

Here is few ideas, these are maby hard to make but if this is possible, i dont need to create my own forum platform.