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Re: [RC2] [TOPIC LINK] Started by emanuele · · Read 3311 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Re: [RC2] "Moved to"-topic di...


Quote from: Jorin – Edit: Oh, another question. The moved topic message looks like this in my RC2:

QuoteDieses Thema wurde verschoben nach Stadtleben -

While at the board of the second person with this problem the second link (the one for the topic) uses the topic name instead of the URL. The topic name was clickable. But at first (she says two days ago with her first test) her message looked like this:

QuoteDieses Thema wurde verschoben nach Boardtitel - [TOPIC LINK]

The link to the topic was not clickable in her board. In mine it was anytime, but not with the topic title, only with the URL.

We both use the same RC2 (as I remember, I installed both, but hers was a Beta2 and I uploaded the files of RC2. Maybe the database of the Beta2 has a problem and I should install the RC2 from the start?) and we both use the same language files with this code (this is checked and for sure):

Code: [Select]
$txt['movetopic_auto_board'] = '[BOARD]';
$txt['movetopic_auto_topic'] = '[THEMEN LINK]';
$txt['movetopic_default'] = 'Dieses Thema wurde verschoben nach [BOARD] - [THEMEN LINK]';
I remember you already posted about that one, does this happen on "new" moved notices, or maybe just on old ones?
The text is replaced at the moment the message is posted, so if you updated the strings after having posted the message it would keep the [TOPIC LINK] string.
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