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The DnD Sanctuary Started by Frenzie · · Read 10904 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

The DnD Sanctuary

Right, so I migrated. Have a look-see if you want. ;)

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #1

Looking good !! 

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #3

Great to hear! :D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #4

Thanks! :)

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #5

I like it  ;)  your first impressions? or better impression from your users? There is something they miss from the old forum?
sorry for my bad english

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #6

It's not that different from SMF. ;) Mostly it's just nice that mobile works out of the box without any effort. What I'm missing? Essentially all of the add-ons I've posted are the answer to that question, except obviously I made sure those features weren't missing prior to actually migrating. Besides that, the built-in Bad Behavior doesn't seem to have an option to set your honey pot link. Also there's no Stop Forum Spam mod, but I've got permission to port Stop Spammer. I despise CAPTCHAs and SFS is really good at catching the few bots that get through the cracks of your security questions when you do without a CAPTCHA.

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #7

I agree is not different from smf, but some people don't love changes :)
I don't have problems with spammers and imo Bad Behavior works fine in elkarte, I see 1059 elements blocked in the last 7 days. There is almost a year since no spammer register on my forum, probably because I am using questions and answers in italian.

I don't know if it worth the effort to port Stop Forum Spam to elkarte since nobody here complained abut spam users, but that's your choice ;)

QuoteMostly it's just nice that mobile works out of the box without any effort.
that was also the main reason for me too
sorry for my bad english

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #8

The more the better, isn't it? ;D
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #9

Apparently there are some issues with the autoembed, though it's unclear to me what they might be.

Bad Behavior is great of course, but in my experience it's more effective against what amounts to DOS attacks (bots racking up all your CPU and bandwidth by stupidly trying the registration page over and over again) than against slightly more sophisticated spam that actually manages to register. Questions work alright but they're no panacea. I suppose it helps to have a language other than English.

SFS comes in after something got through the initial defenses. The cream of the crop of Russian spam, in other words. Bad Behavior + SFS == as good as no spam at all.

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #10

Quote from: Frenzie – Apparently there are some issues with the autoembed, though it's unclear to me what they might be.
hmm... the one in reply 68 works fine for me on SeaMonkey 2.40, FF 45.0 and Opera 12.16 (all of them on Linux).

Maybe, ask him to try if this one works:
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #11

Quote from: emanuele – hmm... the one in reply 68 works fine for me on SeaMonkey 2.40, FF 45.0 and Opera 12.16 (all of them on Linux).
That one is video-BBC. This one is the Elk JS. There must be some relation to the JS insertion, except that it shouldn't really be any different from just sticking an IFRAME directly into the HTML.

PS Real Opera ftw \m/

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #12

Apparently the [shadow] tag is being missed. I see the culprit. :P

The autoembed isn't working on this site either
Quote from:    No....same as before...Times out on every browser I try (FF 3 versions, Chrome 2 versions, Qupzilla, Avant, IE, Palemoon, & this go round Otter got Error 99)...does not work on any of my browsers unless I click the upper left link above the image that says YouTube video:, but that opens a new tab, takes me to, & there & only there will it play the video.

JFYI.....when I hover the image I do see the proper url to the video. Hope that helps you.

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #13

Quote from: Frenzie – That one is video-BBC. This one is the Elk JS. There must be some relation to the JS insertion, except that it shouldn't really be any different from just sticking an IFRAME directly into the HTML.
That means it's not a bug in your addon... :P

Never used any Opera after 12.16! xD

Quote from: Frenzie – The autoembed isn't working on this site either
And that exhausts all the ideas for me. LOL

If it is only him, I'm close to think it's something on his end (maybe a domain blocked for some reason?), if someone else is able to replicate it and we can have an idea of what is going on, then it may be easier to debug.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: The DnD Sanctuary

Reply #14

Closer inspection of the DOM shows there is in fact a slight difference.

Mine, based on what you got when clicking "embed" in YouTube a few years back. It still seems to be the same today (should have a class or inline max-width actually)
Code: [Select]
<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"><a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a></iframe>

Elk (note the lack of www)
Code: [Select]
<iframe style="max-width: 98%; max-height: auto;" src="//;autoplay=1" allowfullscreen="" width="640px" height="385px" frameborder="0"></iframe>

That automatically redirects you

Code: [Select]
$ curl -v
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /embed/6h_GChgSv_A HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2016 12:03:53 GMT
< Server: gwiseguy/2.0
< Location:
< Content-Length: 0
< Content-Type: text/html
< X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
* Connection #0 to host left intact

I'll send a PR to fix this up, but a useless redirect is just a minor detail you shouldn't even notice.