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New theme(?) with green headers.. Started by Bloc · · Read 18902 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #30

You talking about the .xz extension on the archive ?

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #31

Yup. :D
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Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #32

7-ZIP will decompress that and extract the tar ....  then you can use the svg's to create what format you want.

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #33

Kthnx. WinRAR will do ordinary tar.gz and .bz2, but has never heard of .xz.

I grabbed Inkscape for the .svg's. Not that I really want to learn another gfx app right at the moment, so if someone else gets inspired to do some cool icons.................
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Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #34

Hey found a few hot contenders. One good one has a free WTF license. Another is LGPL. Another has no license at all, but I could email the author. Another is free for personal use, but asks for linkback. May be amenable to doing a deal.

So looks like no probs. One of those will work.
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Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #35

Ok, got them. Now I just need to talk the author into ok'ing it.

Quote from: Readme fileThank you for downloading my icons. It's free and you may use it any way.

However, free downloads makes us all happy.
But please respect my creations and to others as well.

"Please do not claim it as your own".

I would appreciate if you consider to link me back for whatever purpose you intend to.

   Thank you so much!
Sounds like he should be amenable to us using them if he gets some credit. Will email him and find out for sure. These are perfect. Just needed a tiny bit of Photoshoppery.

ETA: By the way, it's worth checking out this guy's gallery on DeviantArt. His icon work is insanely good.
Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 07:46:57 pm by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

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Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #36

I do like those. Some great icons for sure! A note in the credits should be fine I think.
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion, you must set yourself on fire!

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #37

Much as I like the green moose, I do have to admit that these are a little more professional in appearance.
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Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #38

WTF (I suppose that's WTFPL) and LGPL are fine (strictly speaking WTFPL is not OSI-approved, but yeah, OSI-approved is not a 100% criterion).
"Free to use, but commercial use not allowed" is not fine. (
It does not match the "you may use in any way [...] as long as you respect the work and credit it appropriately.". The two are not the same: the first is proprietary-for-no-charge, the second is likely free and open source, along the lines of CC-BY.

Stray off-hand example #1: "commercial use" is to mold Elk into an online downloads for pay site, and use the icons to decorate your 'special promotion board'.
Stray off-hand example #2: "commercial use" is to make a forums hosted site, for paid memberships.
Stray off-hand example #3: "commercial use" is to make a commercial proprietary package, forked of Elk.
They're all allowed by free and open source software/design (well the proprietary bit of the latest, only by BSD/CC-BY, not by MPL/LGPL/CC-BY-SA, but that's about proprietary, not about 'commercial use').
Commercial endeavours are an endeavour like any other, free and open source software doesn't discriminate against them.

But I sort of agree that by the sound of it, the author is thinking at commercial proprietary software of some company, that include the icons and claim the whole as their own, such as compiled desktop applications.
Anyway, what we need, is for them to explicitly license it as one of the open licenses. If what they mean is this:, then we can ask them to license CC-BY.
If they want any modifications to the icons to be licensed under the same conditions, then CC-BY-SA.
Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 06:30:38 am by TestMonkey
The best moment for testing your PR is right after you merge it. Can't miss with that one.

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #39

I've messaged the guy over on DeviantArt. Waiting for him to respond. :)
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Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #40

Ok, latest codedump from the Antipodes. Big pile of marsupial poo heading your way. :D

This one should fix #517, definitely fixes #565, and catches the last stragglers of the quickbuttons elements' new classes that I missed earlier.

Also has lotsa other goodies, including the start of the CSS split that was posted about here.

There are a couple of readmes (very short ones) tucked in the zip.

This has been checked on today's build from GitHub, so git it in there. Kthnx.

Then I can start on the next lot. :)

ETA: Oh there are some new redirect icons in the images folders. No problem with licensing those, as I made them from scratch yesterday. They'll do for now. :)
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Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #41

Ok, this is a small and totally non-scary fix for Issue #573.

Code: [Select]
			minHeight = options.resizeMinHeight || origHeight / 1;
maxHeight = options.resizeMaxHeight || origHeight * 20;
minWidth  = options.resizeMinWidth  || origWidth  / 1;
maxWidth  = options.resizeMaxWidth  || origWidth  * 1;

That gives plenty of maxHeight, stops the editor collapsing at all (because nobody will want it to) and also stops it expanding past the forum wrapper.

Also, did the resize handle to 25px, which is a nice and brainless size to grab without looking over the top stupid.

Code: [Select]
div.sceditor-grip {
overflow: hidden;
height: 25px;

There ya go. Easy. :)
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #42

Editing the editor script is IMO a mistake, it makes upgrading to newer revisions cumbersome.  If the editor is not right then a request should be made against that project for a change or new option if whatever you are doing can not be accomplished with a plugin.

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #43

Well how can you customise it then? There's already custom code for Elk tied in with the editor, and there's no point making a request to Sam Clark for stuff that is specific to another project. Also, the options that are edited are minor and are highly unlikely to inhbit upgrades.

Also, is anyone going to downlaod the pile of code I did? It's been sitting there for over 48 hours without being touched, but the tiny zip for the editor has already been downloaded.
Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 08:21:47 am by Antechinus
Master of Expletives: Now with improved family f@&king friendliness! :D

Sources code: making easy front end changes difficult since 1873. :P

Re: New theme(?) with green headers..

Reply #44

options.resizeMaxHeight and the others are already ways to customize the max height and width of the editor (AFAIR).
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