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[1.0.9] Unwatch Started by Jorin · · Read 31918 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

[1.0.9] Unwatch

I clicked on "unwatch" at a topic of my board. It works. But  new posts inside this topic are still listed under "No unread topics found since your last visit. Click here to try all unread topics ." Is it a bug or a feature?  ;)

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #1

Good question. LOL

Let me try here, I'll unwatch this topic in a few seconds, then you can post. ;)
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #2

21... 22... 23...

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #3

Here it seems to work properly, so it is likely a bug fixed in 1.1 development and not backported to 1.0.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #4

Thanks for testing it!

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #6

I may have a similar problem with my 1.1.3. The last days I did not get new posts listed under the menu buttons "new posts" or "new replies", but these threads are listed in the info center with new posts in them. So I visited the threads and they are "unwatched" (I have a button "watch" in these threads).

I don't know why this happens. They all should be watched! I did nothing with these threads.  :o

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #7

A very old topic, but I think, I need to write here now, because of the translations I do at the moment.

I just controlled this feature "unwatch/watch" on my forums and also here on I am almost sure, that we translated this button-strings once wrong. We had almost the same language problem with the "sort up" and the "sort down" string once. The words "sort down" could be an order "to sort things down now", but they could also tell, that "things are sort down at the moment".

This unwatch-feature is working perfect, unwatched topics are in the profiles, notifications and the link "new replies" are reacting proper, if this buttons are used - but the words on our german buttons are "wrong". (And maybe the english words are wrong as well?)  ;) This is, why this feature was always a bit irritating to us and why we thought, there might be another bug.

The "Unwatch" button was translated to "Nicht mehr beobachten" which means "I don't want to watch this topic anymore."
But this button should say "Nicht beobachtet", which has the meaning "This topic is unwatched by me."

Same for the "Watch" button. It was translated to "Beobachten", which means "I want to watch this topic from now on."
But this button should say "Beobachtet", which means "This topic is watched by me".

Am I right with this?  :undecided: The feature and the buttons seem to work this way.
If I am right, then the german language strings for this buttons should be changed and also the explanations on forum.
Last Edit: April 08, 2023, 04:16:11 pm by Ruth

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #8

Quote from: Ruth – If I am right, then the german language strings for this buttons should be changed and also the explanations on forum.

I found a solution now to explain this feature without meantioning what is said on the buttons. ;)

But I have another question about this feature:

Why should other members know, which topics are unwatched by a member? Is this interesting or important to know?
Would it not be more interesting to know, which own topics are watched by someone?

I think, both is a personal, private thing - only the member should see his own (un-)watched topics. In my eyes it is enough, that members can see all started topics and posts by a member in their profiles; they don't need to know about other peoples notifications, if they get some or not about their own topics.

Edit: I just realized, that this is not possible. So it is "private". Very good.

I was confused by this string, which is also displayed on the top of the "unwatched topics" in the profiles:
Code: [Select]
$txt['showGeneric_help'] = 'This section allows you to view all %1$s made by this member. Note that you can only see %1$s made in areas you currently have access to.';
Last Edit: April 10, 2023, 12:59:26 pm by Ruth

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #9


If you don't mind my asking, what exactly does "watch" and "unwatch" do?

Nobody on my Forum has asked, and I have never used them, until you mentioned them here. I assume the default is "watch", I can see everything., and the button says "Unwatch".
But, if I click on "Unwatch", it toggles to "Watch" (which implies to me I am no longer "watching" something and if I want to 'watch' it again, I have to hit the 'watch' button.), but I can still see the topics, I still can see the "new" flag for new posts in that topic. I can log out and back in and it still looks the same, like nothing has changed no matter if the button says "watch" or "unwatch".

I was hoping this question would be answered by following this topic, but ... you didn't reveal what you discovered..:cry:
So I have to ask...


// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #10

I have it enabled on forum since years, but i think, noone is using it. Also noone asked me yet, how this works.
Thats the english help text, the german text tells more:

QuoteEnabling this option will allow users to selectively turn off new reply notifications for topics in which they had previously posted.

You find this links "watch" and "unwatch" here on in the button "More..." in your post.
In 1.1.9 there is still a button in the topics, which changes by clicking on it.

This feature does stop notifications by email and is creating a list of unwatched topics in the profile. And new posts from such unwatched topics do also no more appear if you click on the button "new replies" .

Here you find more about this function:

Thats the german text I wrote:
QuoteMit dem Aktivieren dieser Einstellung entsteht eine Art Ignorier-Funktion für neue Beiträge, die sich aber lediglich auf neue Antworten in Themen bezieht, in denen ein Benutzer selbst geschrieben hat. Durch einen Button in beobachteten Themen können E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen über neue Antworten deaktiviert werden. Diese Beiträge werden dann für den jeweiligen Benutzer auch nicht mehr unter dem Button "Neue Antworten" in der Menüleiste aufgeführt. Ein erneuter Klick auf den Button in einem unbeobachteten Thema macht beides wieder rückgängig.

Durch die Funktion "Themen beobachten/Themen nicht mehr beobachten" entsteht für alle Benutzer im Profil eine Liste über "Unbeobachtete Themen", die nur vom jeweiligen Benutzer selbst betrachtet werden kann.
Last Edit: April 10, 2023, 06:02:46 pm by Ruth

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #11

Ah, Thanks..  (and glad to see I'm not the only one who was headscratching over this).

So it blocks replies (and blocks emails) for "Unwatched" topics if you click the "New Replies" button or "Recent Posts" - but doesn't hide the replies or "New" notifications of them from the main page view.

If the button says "Unwatch", the topic is being watched and you can select "Unwatch" to no longer get replies in the topic. If it says "Watch", it means that topic is not being watched and if you click the button you can "watch" it again (get replies). They are "command", not "status" buttons..

Great, so now if anyone in my forum ever asks me (and if I remember), I can maintain the impression with my members that I'm a guru..:blush:
Last Edit: April 12, 2023, 03:58:45 am by Steeley

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #12

QuoteThey are "command", not "status" buttons.

Maybe they should be, but they are not. And this is confusing.

At the moment they tell, what will happen, if you click on them, so the text tells an action, a command.
But this won't happen, because this are "Status Buttons".
Thats why I said, the texts on our buttons are "wrong".

The links here on tell an action, but show the status, if not clicked. And so does the german button text.

The "Unwatch" button/link says "unwatch". Thats an action. But it should say something like "unwatched." (Status)
The "Watch" button/link says "watch". Thats an action. But it should say something like "watched." (Status)

Last Edit: April 11, 2023, 02:06:00 am by Ruth

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #13

OK, I got an email of your reply.

I clicked the link in the email  to your reply post, I clicked the "more" button, and clicked on "unwatch". It changed to "watch"

Please reply to this when you get a chance , and let's see what happens now.. 

// Deep inside every dilemma lies a solution that involves explosives //

Re: [1.0.9] Unwatch

Reply #14

That's not the "test board", Seeley. :wink:

I added one more sentence in my help text:

QuoteMit dem Aktivieren dieser Einstellung entsteht eine Art Ignorier-Funktion für neue Beiträge, die sich aber lediglich auf neue Antworten in Themen bezieht, in denen ein Benutzer selbst geschrieben hat. Lässt sich ein Benutzer per E-Mail über neue Beiträge benachrichtigen, kann er mit Hilfe dieser Funktion die Menge an Benachrichtungen ganz gezielt reduzieren.

Durch einen Button in beobachteten Themen können E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen über neue Antworten deaktiviert werden. Diese Beiträge werden dann für den jeweiligen Benutzer auch nicht mehr unter dem Button "Neue Antworten" in der Menüleiste aufgeführt. Ein erneuter Klick auf den Button in einem unbeobachteten Thema macht beides wieder rückgängig.

Durch die Funktion "Themen beobachten/Themen nicht mehr beobachten" entsteht für alle Benutzer im Profil eine Liste über "Unbeobachtete Themen", die nur vom jeweiligen Benutzer selbst betrachtet werden kann.

I think, I won't activate this feature in future on forum. That's just one button more and one thing more members might do wrong. There are already enough of them.

There are some features, which might be useful for very big forums, with a lot of members and a lot of posts a day. But in a small and private forum like ours they are not really needed: Sending topics to a friend, Ignore- and Buddy-List,  ignoring boards... and this unwatch feature as well.