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How do I remove the subject from the bread crums? Started by JesusGod-Pope666.Info · · Read 8271 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

How do I remove the subject from the bread crums?

I would think some kind of PHP some place in some file in the Theming?
Like I don't want this extra subject to be injected into the bread crums - like when you go to a subject from home, I don't want the catogory injected into it. It confuses me and it takes space. At the moment I have Home, category and subject I don't want to have category shown, I don't care about it and it confuses me.
Can I rip it out from the theme of besocial somewhere? :)

Re: How do I remove the subject from the bread crums?

Reply #1

add this to your custom.css:

Code: [Select]
.linktree:last-child > span {
    display: none;
sorry for my bad english

Re: How do I remove the subject from the bread crums?

Reply #2

Thanks but not what I was looking for, I don't want the Catogori after the home button to go away :)

Re: How do I remove the subject from the bread crums?

Reply #3

it's not going anywhere:


sorry for my bad english


Re: How do I remove the subject from the bread crums?

Reply #4

You misunderstand, it's not the last one I wanna erase, it is the first in regards of the board subject.
I did get the thing you told me to work - but it is not what I'm looking for. :)

Like here, I would like Extending Elk erased and gone and only have Custom Themes and Re:Hoew do I remove the subject.