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How to install ElkArte? Started by Ruth · · Read 2780 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

How to install ElkArte?


I feel really ashamed to ask this,  :embarrassed:  but I never did this before by myself.

What i tried was:

I created a subdomain on my webspace and a new database for this subdomain.
This empty datebase belongs now to my subdomain. This seemed to work:
In browser is a message to see, that there will be a new webpage soon.

Then I downloaded
extracted it and uploaded all files and folders into httpdocs of my subdomain.
But then nothing more happend. No installation file started to run.
Only changing is the Elk-Favicon in browser now.

What did i wrong or was missing to do?
Would I need one of the other files here as well? If so, which one?


Or would I need to install ElkArte 1.1.0 first and then after this do all updates?

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #1

Once extracted, you need to go to the exact URL. If you put your forum into
you need to go to that, and it should start the installer.

What web host do you have?
If the files for your website have to go to a folder called httpdocs, then most likely your sub-domain would have it's own httpdocs folder, as well. Some web hosts have different names and setups for where to put the files for each domain or sub-domain.

Also, if not mistaken, you may need to rename 2 files:
Settings.sample.php to Settings.php
Settings_bak.sample.php to Settings_bak.php

You do not have to install ElkArte 1.1.0 first and then after this do all updates. All install packs are able to be used to do first installs.
You only need the update packs if have existing forums.

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #2

Thank you!

QuoteWhat web host do you have?

Not sure, that i understood, sorry.
I have webspace on netcup (Webhosting 2000)
and was using plesk for uploading.

The extracted folders and files are here:


QuoteOnce extracted, you need to go to the exact URL. If you put your forum into you need to go to that, and it should start the installer.

I did this after uploading the files, went to my subdomain:
but no installation started.

QuoteAlso, if not mistaken, you may need to rename 2 files:
Settings.sample.php to Settings.php
Settings_bak.sample.php to Settings_bak.php

I would need to change those names on my Laptop,
then upload Settings.php and Settings_bak.php
and delete Settings.sample.php and Settings_bak.sample.php?
Last Edit: February 25, 2023, 06:28:52 am by Ruth

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #3

Quote from: Ruth – Not sure, that i understood, sorry.
I have webspace on netcup (Webhosting 2000)
and was using plesk for uploading.
Not sure how this host does things.

Quote from: Ruth – I did this after uploading the files, went to my subdomain:
but no installation started.

What is your main domain? I tried to go to these and got "Unable to connect" errors:

Quote from: Ruth – I would need to change those names on my Laptop,
then upload Settings.php and Settings_bak.php
and delete Settings.sample.php and Settings_bak.sample.php?

Yes, that would be best.
Also, edit the Settings.php file, and input your database info where it shows. That'll help a bit when setting up.

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #4

The main domain is still running SMF and got broken 2 weeks ago by getting transfered to another server. :rolleyes:
It has another database and another folder

This is the "real" address of the subdomain i created now:

(edit on 28th of february: I deleted this link now, because guests or crawlers dont need to see the testforum)
Last Edit: February 28, 2023, 05:54:29 am by Ruth

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #5

Check and be sure that there's no index.htm, index.html or any other .html file there.
Looks to me, that could be what it is.
.html will try to load before .php

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #6

Okay, thank you.... :smiley: i will look again.

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #7


There was one. Now i have the install file in browser! Great!

Shall i try to run it now or first do the changings of names of those 2 files you told me before?

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #9

Thank you very much for your help!  :smiley:

I think, it would work now perfect,
but I fear, that I made a mess with Username and passwords, while creating the database yesterday :rolleyes:
Nothing i try to insert now into the install file, is accepted.

I think i need to do this with the new database again
and then try the installation of ElkArte again.

Last Edit: February 25, 2023, 07:34:41 am by Ruth

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #10

Thats all terrible... i get desparate with this stuff... :huh:

i think, i need some chocolate now.
And the support of netcup, because of all this passwords.
They love me already there, me thinks.

Oh, by the way:

I noticed a few days ago, that i cannot give "likes" here anymore.
And "quick edit" does also not react for me.
Last Edit: February 25, 2023, 12:19:41 pm by Ruth

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #11

Hmm... Have you tried clearing your browser cache?
Also, logging out, then back in here?

Otherwise, I'd have no idea why they don't work for you.
Try a different browser, too. The one you normally use may have something installed in it that could be making them not work.

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #12

Yes, i did.

I am using Firefox - Cache and Cookies are normally deleted automatically, when i close browser.
After a new start now I was able now to give some likes to you and Spuds.

But the quick buttons in this topic here dont work for me anymore.
The "quick edit" and the "quote" there, i mean.

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #13

I tried again and again now to install Elkarte on this subdomain.
Also tried with a new datase :rolleyes:

It had been better before, when the install file was halfway run.

Now without this index.html the subdomain will be gone
And with it the installation file wont start.
It also wont start, if i delete this index.html after uploading all files for the installation, like i did today.

I cannot do it. :huh:

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #14

It should just work  :grin:

  • After you create your subdomain, remove all the default files in your new httpdocs directory.
  • Upload the ElkArte 1.1.9 install zip to the now empty httpdocs directory and extract it there.
  • Create a new database, something like elktesting or whatever you like.
  • Navigate your browser to the subdomain, the install screen should appear.  If it does not you can try pointing directly to the install files, as http://xxxx/install/install.php
  • To complete the install,  you will need the database name and the id/password credentials such that the installer can create the tables, etc.
  • When done allow it to remove the install directory (or do it manually)