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How to install ElkArte? Started by Ruth · · Read 2782 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #15 will need the database name and the id/password credentials such that the installer can create the tables, etc. this part of installation things go wrong.
I think, i made a mess there with passwords. :rolleyes:

I also asked the support there twice, how to do it...what i have to insert in the installation file.
I sent them screenshots about those fails and what I inserted.

Meanwhile i am totally confused about what i have to insert about host, user and password.

Something is wrong there, maybe with the subdomain or the database or with the passwords.
I think, i tried it at least 10 times now. For each try i need to delete all files again and start again from the beginning.

Last Edit: February 27, 2023, 03:52:23 pm by Ruth

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #16

Sent you a PM with what I did to install it, seems to be working.

The host name is an IP address plus port and finding the right combination of DB userID and Password was a bit confusing.  The German Plesk panel was no help either  :shocked:  LOL

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #17

You are my Super Hero, Spuds!  :smiley:

So great, that you did this for me!

I feel really happy now. :grin:  Thank you very much!

Re: How to install ElkArte?

Reply #18

Was ist denn das??

Quote from: Spuds – Sent you a PM with what I did to install it, seems to be working.

 The German Plesk panel was no help either  :shocked:  LOL

Last Edit: February 27, 2023, 09:03:44 pm by Steeley

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