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How to add your addon to the Addon site listing Started by Spuds · · Read 36002 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

You finished your addon and now want to add it to the addon site, great!

To do so you need to make a PR to the elkarte/addons repo in the gh-pages branch.  The how to fork a repo, make a local copy, apply your changes, and submit the PR are not part of this guide. There are many guides on how to do this and it all depends on what tools you have chosen. This help text assumes you know how to make a PR.

To add your addon to the listing, you need to commit just a single file under the _posts directory. The file must follow the naming convention of YYYY-MM-DD-Addon Name The date should be the intial release date of your addon, that date is only used to create the permalink to the file.

The above file must contain the following sections (see any of the existing files in the _posts directory for examples)
Code: [Select]
front matter

detailed description

Front Matter
The front matter is what makes everything cool happen. The front matter must be the first thing in the file and must take the form of valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines. Meaning the information contained between the --- & --- tags is in YAML format and is specially processed by Jekyll.
Don't want to learn YAML?, good neither did I and you don't have either, just follow along.

Example front matter
Code: [Select]
layout: post
title: "Title of addon"
category: name
date: YYYY-MM-DD
comments: false
short: "A short description of the addon"
license: license
version: x.x.x
allhooks: boolean
elkversion: 1.0
support: valid link or null
bugs: valid link or null
author: thats you
thumbnail: valid link or null
download: valid link
  - Some name: link to it
  - Another name: link to it

Markdown text

## Installation:
{% include install_std.MD %}

## License:
{% include license.MD param="BSD" %}
    Front Matter Details
    • layout: post
      • The name following layout is a template file to use when the page is rendered. Currently there is only one choice and that is post. Others may be added at some point.
    • title: "Title of addon"
      • The name of the addon. This is used in the template titles and listings.
    • category: name[
      list type=circle]
      • This categorises the type of the addon, used to help group similar items for navigation. Currently this must be one of the following.
        • admin, utility, feature, enhancement, smiley, bbc, security, other
    • date: YYYY-MM-DD
      • 2014-12-20 for example. This date is used to determine the order addons are shown. If you make an important code update, just change the date and it will float to the top.
    • comments: false
      • Not currently enabled, but at some point discus comments may be enabled.
    • short: "A short description of the addon"
      • This is your short description of the addon. It will appear in the main listing to provide a short description of what the addon does.
    • license: license
      • Type of license you are releasing the work under. Typical values here are BSD, MPL 1.1, Apache, MIT, GPL etc. If its a common open source license the OSI logo will appear next to it in the listing.
    • version: x.x.x
      • Current version of the addon, use what you like, 1.0.0 or V1 Beta 4, etc. (Although semantic versioning makes it easier for users to know whats the latest)
    • allhooks: boolean
      • Use yes or true if the addon is all hook based. This will display a thumbs up on the details page.
      • If some edits are required, set this to no or leave it out of the front matter entirely. Addons requiring edits will set a simple notice on the details page.
    • elkversion: 1.0
      • If a specific minimum version of ElkArte is needed to run the addon, set it here, like 1.0.1
    • support: valid link or null
      • If you have a support thread at ElkArte, or elsewhere, link to it. This will set the Support button on the addons page. Discard it or leave it blank if you have no support options.
    • bugs: valid link or null
      • If you have an issue / bug tracker, add the link here. For example if you use Github link to your issues page for the addon. Leave it out if you don't have a issue tracker or just prefer to use the support thread. A link here sets the Issues button in the template
    • author: thats you
      • Do I really have to explain this one, if so how did you get here?
    • thumbnail: valid link or null
      • This is the url to an image that is seen as a thumbnail on the main listing page.
      • It does not have to be thumbnailed sized, the css of the page takes care of that for you.
      • The link can be to any valid location, including Github repos (use raw). You may also choose to save your images directly in the addons repo, for this add them under the assets folder in their own sub folder. Then simply use a relative link such as /assets/foldername/
    • download: valid link
      • Where to get the file, can be anywhere really. Can link to a Github release, or even add it to the addons repo under the /assets/foldername/ (use a relative link as above) This sets the Download button in the templates.
    • images: ...
      • This needs to be in a YAML array format, which means images: followed by a new line, then space space dash space item: link (repeat)
      • Again the format of each image line is space space dash space some name: link. some name is used as the alt tag value in the template, the link is the location of the image
      • Images are shown below your detailed addon description, it should be the screen shots of the addon in action.
      • The location follows the same rules as the thumbnail, so if wanted you can add them to the assets folder and use relative location links.
    • Markdown Text
      • This is the detailed body describing your addon. Valid markdown, plain text or even html can be used, the choice is yours, although markdown text is the preferred method.
      • This is the text that appears on the addon details pages

    Two helper templates are provided, one is the generic addon installation instructions and the other is the license block. To use the installation template add
    Code: [Select]
    ## Installation:
    {% include install_std.MD %}

    For the license template use the following with a param of
    • BSD, BSD 2, BSD 3, MPL 1.1, MPL 2.0, MIT, Apache 2.0, I like fish fingers and custard., GPL 2, GPL 3, GNU 2, GNU 3, LGPL, LGPL 3 If you use a different license add your own block or make a PR to add it to license.MD in the _includes directory
    Code: [Select]
    ### License:
    {% include license.MD param="MPL 1.1" %}
    Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 11:58:31 am by Spuds

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #1

    Thanks you for the guide. If we create it in the github, where do we make its PR?

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #2

    Great! Thanks!

     emanuele marks unread in order to remember reading it
    Bugs creator.
    Features destroyer.
    Template killer.

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #4

    @Spuds, would it be possible to do this with a form on this site?

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #5

    Good point, updated the original a bit with the specific branch info.

    Quote from: Joshua Dickerson – @Spuds, would it be possible to do this with a form on this site?
    I'd venture to say yes, and that would be pretty cool!   The information needed is not that much, so easy to collect with a form.   Then we should be able to use the api to send a PR to the branch.  Never looked in to the api though.

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #6

    I think it is not trivial, mainly because you have to create a commit and then a pull request...
    Bugs creator.
    Features destroyer.
    Template killer.

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #7

    Hmm... I think you're right @emanuele. I just did a quick look at the Github API and I don't see anything for making a commit or PR.

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #8

    Yep, I quickly looked into it about a year ago for the languages repo (my idea was to let users submit translations directly from the admin panel), but the only solutions I came up with was to have to "create" the commit via php, push the branch and make the pr.
    Bugs creator.
    Features destroyer.
    Template killer.

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #9

    Hmm... Upon my first try, I got this email sent to me by GitHub:

    QuoteThe page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning:

    CNAME already taken:

    For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see:

    If you have any questions you can contact us by replying to this email.

    I'll wait for reply, before I do any more. (Will give me chance to get rest fully done first, instead of on the go working...LOL)

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #10

    No idea... lol
    One thing that may be broken is also:
    Code: [Select]
    bugs: valid link or null
    I'm not sure if you should just remove it?
    Spuds for sure knows moar! :P
    Bugs creator.
    Features destroyer.
    Template killer.

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #11

    Quote from: emanuele – No idea... lol
    One thing that may be broken is also:
    Code: [Select]
    bugs: valid link or null
    I'm not sure if you should just remove it?
    Spuds for sure knows moar! :P

    Um... I think I need to edit it, then, because I missed that.
    Meant to add the link to the GitHub Issues for the Repo for it.  :-[
    Hey, what can I say? Look at the time I did it.... LOL

    EDIT: Just updated it, and still got the email. Strange... LOL

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #12

    The CNAME error is an annoyance, and it comes from your own fork, really its kind of a GitHub error. 

    So the "error" is because once you forked the addons gh-pages repo you now have the CNAME file in your fork.  However the CNAME (part of the repo of course like any other file) is "taken" already, so you get an error when making PR's even though you are not submitting the CNAME file.

    I suspect you can delete/rename the CNAME in your fork or change your forked branch name from gh-pages to something else, like bks_addons and then make your PR's from that branch to the addons gh-pages repo.  This is one of those fun with git things that can annoy the crap out of the best of us.

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #13

    Can the download link be set to a page or dynamic link?
    I have setup a downloads system with a public download link. Example page;sa=view;down=2  And then the direct link;sa=downfile&id=2

    Would allow me to keep files updated a little easier.

    Re: How to add your addon to the Addon site listing

    Reply #14

    If I read it correctly, you just set the "download" parameter to a valid URL and it should pick it. ;)
    Bugs creator.
    Features destroyer.
    Template killer.