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buttons not in a row Started by Jorin · · Read 7877 times 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. previous topic - next topic

buttons not in a row

Don't you think it would look better if all the buttons under the text field would be in a row?

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #1

It would be in a row if your Screen would be larger.

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #2

Definitely not.  ;)

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #3

What do these buttons say? O:-)
From what I can tell here the buttons are all on the same line.
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #4

When the word correction is activated, the button for saving a draft uses a new row. The button for adding a poll uses a new row too (everytime).

Will it look better if all buttons will be shown in a single row and the text on the left under the text field would be under them, if there's not enough space? I think so.  ;)

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #5

IIRC this was somehow intentional: the three buttons related to "posting" (preview/save/draft) on the same line, all the others (poll/spellcheck/etc.) below.
Of course there was a technical reason that was a pain to fix (and that I don't remember exactly, but I think it was related to having the "draft last saved" string making buttons jump around, so we made up a technical reasoning to make the solution acceptable. :P
Bugs creator.
Features destroyer.
Template killer.

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #6

Can you at least code a little space between the rows then?  O:-)

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #7

Quote from: Jorin – Can you at least code a little space between the rows then?  O:-)
You can throw a little margin via css between them, shouldn't be hard.

Quote from: emanuele – IIRC this was somehow intentional: the three buttons related to "posting" (preview/save/draft) on the same line, all the others (poll/spellcheck/etc.) below.
Of course there was a technical reason that was a pain to fix (and that I don't remember exactly, but I think it was related to having the "draft last saved" string making buttons jump around, so we made up a technical reasoning to make the solution acceptable. :P
You sneaky little... EHM ;D
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #8

Quote from: Flavio93Zena (#OpIsis) –
Quote from: Jorin – Can you at least code a little space between the rows then?  O:-)
You can throw a little margin via css between them, shouldn't be hard.

Maybe, but it would be great to see that as a fix for future releases.  ;)

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #9

I don't think I can enable spellchecker to enable that pester button, so I am afraid I cannot suggest it without seeing it :/
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #10

You can still look at my screenshots.  ;)

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #11

Yeah and I can surely edit css from a screenshot, LOL.
~ SimplePortal Support Team ~

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #12

You can't? Time for an upgrade!  :D

Sorry, this was a misunderstanding. I didn't know you want to look in the code. I meant the dev team with my suggestion.

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #13

Ahhh.... wait!
The problem is not what I was thinking, the problem is with the translation!
See the two attachments.
The text is so long that pushes the buttons, that normally are on the same line, down making them appear as two rows of buttons.

If you want to give it some spacing, you can add some margin:
Code: [Select]
#post_confirm_buttons span, #post_confirm_buttons input {
    margin-top: 0.75em;
Otherwise you can force the buttons below the legend:
Code: [Select]
.shortcuts {
    float: none;
    display: block;
    text-align: left;

Re: buttons not in a row

Reply #14

Oh great. This will be a real problem for us translators 'cause sometimes there is no short translation for the buttons which makes sense.  :-\

Edit: As you can see in my screenshots I already shortened the shortcut text so there will be more space for the buttons. I have to think about the best solution in this matter.